Log in to OnlyFans
You should be using Chrome or another Chromium based browser for this like Microsoft Edge.
You can either click F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+I to open the dev console.
There is 2 values you should get and note somewhere, first one is the User-Agent which you can get by pasting the code navigator.userAgent
on the Console tab and clicking enter. You should note that result somewhere, once that's done you should get the access-token.
To do that go to the Application tab on the dev tools. (You may need to click the button) Once there navigate to the Cookies section. [Shown Below]
You should then copy the value next to sess
by double clicking it and using the CTRL+C.
You should also note this next to your User-Agent.
The tool itself is pretty easy to use. All you need to do is paste the text you have just copied to the corresponding fields. BUT BE CAREFUL, DO NOT PASTE THE QUOTATION MARKS WHEN PASTING THE USER AGENT! YOU WILL NEED TO LOG IN TO ONLYFANS AGAIN!