REPOSITORY EXCLUDED FROM HACKTOBERFEST 2021, CHECK THIS : https://github.com/piyushsharma220699/Hacktoberfest-2021/issues/261
Pinned issues
- 10
PR doesn't count as a valid PR for Hacktoberfest, shows Excluded/BAD Repository
#261 opened by piyushsharma220699 - 10
509. Fibonacci Number
#228 opened by Haldhardwivedi - 0
9 : Palindrome Number new method
#312 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
7 : Reverse Integer second method
#311 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
48 : Rotate Image new method
#310 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
21 : Merge two sorted lists new approach
#309 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
12 : Integer to Roman new approach
#308 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
15 : 3Sum new approach
#307 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
7-Reverse_Integer.py another approach
#306 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
3-Peak_element.py new method
#305 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
#304 opened by Karthiks08 - 1
7-Reverse_Integer.py another approach
#303 opened by Karthiks08 - 0
199. Binary Tree Right Side View
#302 opened by Am4teur - 0
415. Add Strings
#301 opened by Am4teur - 0
258. Add Digits
#300 opened by Am4teur - 0
67. Add Binary
#299 opened by Am4teur - 0
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
#297 opened by shankarjp - 10
141. Linked List Cycle
#207 opened by shraddhavp - 2
- 0
- 6
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List
#268 opened by bolajixi - 4
84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
#188 opened by prateeksharma2000 - 2
41. First Missing Positive
#236 opened by pradyyadav - 3
14. Longest Common Prefix
#200 opened by himakhaitan - 0
- 6
20. Valid Parentheses
#210 opened by khushij12 - 5
- 3
46. Permutations
#177 opened by prateeksharma2000 - 2
460. LFU Cache
#260 opened by GuptaTanisha - 4
49. Group Anagrams
#218 opened by lakhanjindam - 3
1207. Unique number of occurrences
#219 opened by vishvarana - 2
Go language basic
#241 opened by SahityaRoy - 1
2022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array
#254 opened by vineetsharma36 - 1
- 1
2024. Maximize the Confusion of an Exam
#256 opened by vineetsharma36 - 1
PR doesnt count to hacktoberfest for this repo as it has been marked as Bad repo
#259 opened by zhcet19 - 3
494. Target Sum
#198 opened by vartikavr - 2
Starting point of loop in linked list cycle
#214 opened by lakhanjindam - 3
1302. Deepest Leaves Sum
#203 opened by luv2001 - 3
763. Partition Labels
#191 opened by prateeksharma2000 - 3
Longest sub-array with sum zero
#217 opened by lakhanjindam - 1
132. Palindrome Partitioning II
#209 opened by Khushi-Shukla - 1
143. Reorder List
#201 opened by vartikavr - 3
188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
#185 opened by prateeksharma2000 - 1
1392. Longest Happy Prefix
#179 opened by prateeksharma2000 - 3
42. Trapping Rain Water
#183 opened by prateeksharma2000 - 1
Reverse k sub-list of linked list - leetcode
#215 opened by lakhanjindam - 2
73. Set Matrix Zeroes
#220 opened by lakhanjindam - 2
#222 opened by Haldhardwivedi - 1
5. Longest Palindromic Substring
#180 opened by prateeksharma2000