
Basic framework of Python code for all ESP IoT projects

Primary LanguagePython

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- a basic MicroPython framework for microcontroller IoT projects!

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MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers.

The ESP8266 and ESP32 are a low-cost Wi-Fi microchips with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability.

The project

The MiPy-ESP code repository is a flexible framework for full-stack Python IoT projects on the ESP-family microcontrollers.

The framework is developed by the LeGarage Technical Comittee Software Developer Team (LG-TC-SWDT-01) aiming at replacing already established C++ based code for our microcontroller applications.

The project provides basic features such as network connection procedures, access point webserver, MQTT functionalities, logging/debugging, event scheduling, hardware I/O and global configuration. More detailed documentation can be found in this post on www.instructables.com.

This software is gradually becoming the backbone of all our hobby electronics IoT projects involving ESP-family microcontrollers. The main development and testing was done on esp8266 boards. Preliminary testing indicate that the code runs on esp32 boards without any modifications.

Repository structure

All Python framework modules are found in the /src folder. The /src/main.py and /src/config.py files contain the application-specific code in the framework. Upon chip boot, main.py runs and imports all the project-dependency modules with the given inputs from config.py. Examples of project-specific code can be found in the /examples folder.

For code deployment, a MicroPython cross compiler compiles the .py scripts to a binary container file format .mpy prior to chip upload.

The provided Makefile can be applied for preparing files for transfer to chip by the following procedure with preparing a project staging area in /src:

  • Edit src/main.py and src/config.py for your specific project.
  • Copy the wanted project utilities from src/utilities to src
  • Copy the needed hardware drivers (leds.py, buttons.py etc.) of your project from src/drivers to src/

compilation of framework modules and transfers of the needed files to the build/ folder for upload, is performed by the command:

make build

File generated in build/ are ready for transfer to microcontroller. The command:

make clean

Deletes the build/ folder and its contents.

The repository folder structure below lists the current modules of the framework. Most available MicroPython hardware libraries can go into the drivers/ folder without any modifications. All present drivers are tested with the MiPy-ESP framework. Regarding modules in the utilities/ folder, more will be added as they come to life.

├── main.py                   # Main code loop
├── config.py                 # Global config file
├── core                      # CORE FRAMEWORK MODULES
│   ├── boot.py
│   ├── crypt.py              # Encryption for stored SSID passwords
│   ├── index.html            # Main page for wifi login
│   ├── logfile.py            # Logging module
│   ├── microajax.js          # Lightweight Javascript AJAX
│   ├── nanogram.min.css      # Lightweight CSS framework
│   ├── scheduler_light.py    # Lightweight event scheduler
│   ├── umqttsimple.py        # MQTT module
│   ├── webserver.py          # ESP access point webserver
│   └── wifi.py               # Network connection module
├── utilities                 # OPTIONAL UTILITY MODULES
│   └─── timers.py            # Various timer utilities
└── drivers                   # PROJECT SPECIFIC HARDWARE MODULES 
    ├── bmp180.py             # Module for bmp180 T/P sensor
    ├── buttons.py            # Module for button interaction
    ├── leds.py               # Module for led interaction
    └── tm1637.py             # Module for TM1637 4 digit led display

└── build                     # TOTAL PROJECT CODE FOR CHIP UPLOAD 

└── examples                  # SPECIFIC PROJECT CODE FOR CHIP UPLOAD [to be added to /build]

Framework architecture

The flowchart below describes the layout of the main.py module: Upon chip startup, the code attempts connection to wifi. When a connection is established, callbacks and jobs are set up and MQTT-client connects to a remote broker. The code then goes into a main loop, which serves hardware I/O, job events, MQTT subscriptions while maintaining chip network and MQTT broker connections.

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The microcontroller code attempts connection with known networks upon chip boot. All previously connected network SSIDs are stored together with their encrypted passwords in chip flash memory. Networks and passwords can also be provisioned to the chip by uploading wifi.json in the format {"SSID1":"PASSWORD1", "SSID2":"PASSWORD2"} to the chip. These networks are stored and passwords encrypted before the file is deleted from memory. Note - information to decrypt the passwords is available on the chip, so at least with physical access to the chip the stored wifi passwords should be considered compromised.

If no known networks are detected by the chip upon startup, an access point is broadcasted from the chip with a webserver for configuring wifi-settings. The access point and webserver shuts down upon successful connection of the chip to wifi.

ESP access point webserver

The access point webserver module enables generic access point serving of files uploaded to the chip. Static .html files apply tailored CSS style for nice web interfaces; The Nanogram CSS is a lightweight module based on the Milligram CSS framework. Custom versions of minified Nanogram can be compiled from .sass source in the /css folder. Webpages apply Microajax, a lightweight javascript for asynchronous interaction with backend files in chip flash memory and for smooth updating of webpages. Below is an exampe screenshot of a webpage served from the MiPy-ESP chip webserver.

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A project specific configuration file config.py belongs to the main.py script. In the config file, global application parameters are set: level of debugging and logger settings, access point name and password, MQTT client and broker settings, device name and framework version (git commit id) applied amongst other. It is generally reccommended to upload the main.py and config.py in readable .py format to the chip, in order to enable inspection of the main code and its configuration in case of software upgrade or debugging of deployed hardware.

Getting started

Using esptool.py you can erase the ESP flash memory with the command:

esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash

Current project master branch of the repo has been tested and is operational with Micropython v.1.12

Download file 'esp8266-20191220-v1.12.bin' from Micropython website and write to chip using :

esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 esp8266-20191220-v1.12.bin

Upload all files in /build directory to ESP chip using for example rshell - and the chip is ready to launch...

Use rshell to transfer files to the microcontroller and run the files on the chip:

rshell -p /dev/ttyUSB0
cp *.mpy /pyboard   # to easy transfer files to the microcontroller board
ls /pyboard         # to list files on the microcontroller board
repl                # to start the interactive interpreter mode and test code on the chip

Ongoing developments

The project is work in progress. The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. No deadlines exist for the development, but plenty of IoT deployments are in the pipeline...

Complete repository issue tracker can be found in the GitHub repository.

Resources, credits and inspiration


Aslak Einbu & Torbjørn Pettersen


All members and potential prospects of LeGarage Technical Committee are invited to contribute to the MiPy-ESP project. Contributors are encouraged to establish development branches and to perform successful testing prior to submitting pull requests to master.