Airline Reservation Management System

The Airline Reservation Management System is a Java-based application designed to streamline and automate the process of airline ticket reservations, passenger management, flight information tracking, and payment processing. This system provides a user-friendly interface for both customers and airline staff to perform various tasks related to flight bookings and management.


  • Flight Information: View details about available flights, including flight code, source, destination, departure time, and arrival time.
  • Reservation Management: Make new flight reservations for customers, update existing reservations, and cancel reservations if necessary.
  • Passenger Details: Manage passenger information, including name, contact details, nationality, and passport information.
  • Payment Processing: Process payments for flight reservations, including options for cash, credit card, and cheque payments.
  • Cancellation: Allow customers to cancel their flight reservations and handle the cancellation process efficiently.
  • User Authentication: Secure login system for airline staff to access the management system with username and password authentication.

Technologies Used

  • Java Swing for the graphical user interface (GUI).
  • MySQL for the database management system.
  • JDBC for database connectivity.
  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA.


  1. Database Setup:

    • Install MySQL database server on your system.
    • Create a new database named airline_reservation.
    • Run the SQL script provided in the database/airline.sql file to create the necessary tables and insert sample data.
  2. IDE Setup:

    • Open the project in your preferred Java IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, etc.).
    • Configure the project SDK and libraries as needed.
  3. Run the Application:

    • Compile and run the file to launch the application.
    • Ensure that the MySQL database server is running before launching the application.


  • Upon launching the application, users will be presented with the main interface displaying options for managing flights, reservations, passengers, payments, and cancellations.
  • Users can navigate through the different functionalities using the menu bar or buttons provided in the GUI.
  • Login with the provided credentials (username: admin, password: 12345) to access the management features.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.