
The Beanstalk Protocol

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Code Version: 2.3.1
Whitepaper Version: 2.3.0

Beanstalk is a permissionless fiat stablecoin protocol built on Ethereum.

This repository contains the code base for the Beanstalk protocol, all of its facets and related contracts in the Beanstalk ecosystem.


Conceptual documentation on Beanstalk can be found in the Farmers' Almanac.
Technical documentation on Beanstalk can be found in the Agronomics Handbook.

The latest version of the Beanstalk Whitepaper is available here (version history can be found here).


Read more about Beanstalk audits here.

Bug Bounty Program

The Beanstalk DAO partnered with Immunefi to launch a bug bounty program with rewards up to 1.1M Beans.

You can find the bug bounty program and submit bug reports here.


A comprehensive list of contract addresses related to Beanstalk is available here.

Contract Address
Beanstalk 0xC1E088fC1323b20BCBee9bd1B9fC9546db5624C5
Bean 0xBEA0000029AD1c77D3d5D23Ba2D8893dB9d1Efab
BEAN:3CRV LP token 0xc9C32cd16Bf7eFB85Ff14e0c8603cc90F6F2eE49
Unripe Bean token 0x1BEA0050E63e05FBb5D8BA2f10cf5800B6224449
Unripe BEAN:3CRV LP token 0x1BEA3CcD22F4EBd3d37d731BA31Eeca95713716D
Fertilizer ERC-1155 token 0x402c84de2ce49af88f5e2ef3710ff89bfed36cb6
Beanstalk Community Multisig 0xa9bA2C40b263843C04d344727b954A545c81D043

EIP-2535 Diamond

The Beanstalk contract is a multi-facet proxy that implements EIP-2535. Thus, the Beanstalk contract implements functionality from multiple different Facet contracts that all share a common storage.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run cd protocol to enter the protocol repository
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npx hardhat compile

Forking Mainnet Locally

We elect to use anvil instead of hardhat for local node forking as anvil is considerably faster than hardhat and properly caches the blockchain locally.

  1. Ensure you are in the /protocol repository
  2. Install Foundry with curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash and reopen your terminal
  3. Run foundryup to ensure you have downloaded the latest version
  4. Start a locally forked node with the following command:
anvil --fork-url <FORK_RPC> --fork-block-number <BLOCK_NUMBER> --chain-id 1337

For <FORK_RPC>, use an Alchemy or Infura RPC URL. It should be very clear if the node starts up properly.

Note: anvil will cache the blockchain provided that BLOCK_NUMBER does NOT change. Given this, we recommend picking a block and sticking to it.


  1. Ensure you are in the protocol directory
  2. Run npm test to run all coverage tests
  3. Run npx hardhat coverage to run all coverage tests and generate a coverage report



As Beanstalk implements EIP-2535, Beanstalk is upgraded through a diamondCut function call.

There are two different ways a diamondCut can execute code:

  1. Adding, replacing and/or removing functions
    • Functions in Beanstalk are implemented in contracts known as facets. Facets are no different than normal smart contract with callable functions. In order to share a state, Facets can only define 1 internal state variable: The AppStorage struct defined in AppStorage.sol. Read more here.
  2. Calling the init function of a contract
    • This is a one time action and will be called when the diamondCut is executed. There can be 1 init call per diamondCut.

Creating a New Facet

For this tutorial, we will create a new Facet called SampleFacet.

  1. Ensure you are in the protocol directory
  2. In protocol/farm/facets/, create a new folder called SampleFacet
  3. Within the SampleFacet folder create a file called SampleFacet.sol.
  4. Implement your Facet. You can use SampleFacet.sol in protocol/samples as a template. Note that Facets can only have AppStorage as an internal state variable.
  5. Modify the deploy function in scripts/deploy to include your new Facet, so that the Facet will be deployed with the Beanstalk Diamond.

Testing a BIP


There are a couple of steps that must be done before forking mainnet and testing a BIP.

  1. Include the following code in the networks section of the hardhat.config.js, where ALCHEMY_URL is your RPC url. We recommend using Alchemy for this. The BLOCK_NUMBER is optional, but we recommend choosing a block number close to the current block.

    forking: {
        url: <RPC_URL>,
        blockNumber: <BLOCK_NUMBER>
    localhost: {
      chainId: 1337,
      url: "",
      forking: {
        url: <RPC_URL>,
        blockNumber: <BLOCK_NUMBER>
  2. Include as imports:

    const BEANSTALK = "0xC1E088fC1323b20BCBee9bd1B9fC9546db5624C5";
    const ownerFacet = await ethers.getContractAt('OwnershipFacet', BEANSTALK);
    const owner = await ownerFacet.owner();
    const { upgradeWithNewFacets } = require('./scripts/diamond.js')
  3. Lastly, include the tasks required for upgrading above module.exports:

    task("upgrade", "Commits a bip", async() => {
        await hre.network.provider.request({
            method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
            params: [owner],
        const account = await ethers.getSigner(owner)
        await upgradeWithNewFacets({
            diamondAddress: BEANSTALK,
            facetNames: [],
            initFacetName: 'InitEmpty',
            initArgs: [],
            bip: false,
            verbose: true,
            account: account
  4. Here is an example of what BIP-11 deployment looked like:

    await upgradeWithNewFacets({
        diamondAddress: BEANSTALK,
        initFacetName: 'InitBip11',
        facetNames: ['MarketplaceFacet'],
        libraryNames: ["LibClaim"],
        facetLibraries: {
        "MarketplaceFacet": ["LibClaim"],
        bip: false,
        verbose: true,
        account: account

Running the Upgrade Tasks

  1. Spin up your mainnet fork node with:

    npx hardhat node
  2. In another console, execute your tasks against your mainnet fork by running:

    npx hardhat upgrade --network localhost

    Where upgrade is where you put the name of your task (in the example above it was named upgrade).

  3. Now you can test your changes using your local mainnet fork that should now have the latest version of Beanstalk that you upgraded.
