
Integrate facebook/php-graph-sdk with symfony/http-foundation

Primary LanguagePHP


If your app uses symfony/http-foundation and facebook/php-graph-sdk, this one is for you! This Library integrates these two packages.

What are a benefits of using this package?

  • Facebook SDK by default tries to extract everything from superglobals, using this bridge it will use your Request and Session classes. Easier to debug.
  • Facebook SDK stores everything in $_SESSION, but it breaks when session is not started and you have to start it manually. Session class automatically when used. This is also a good solution when you e.g. use some more fancy session handlers like Redis or PDO.
  • Persisted Data stored in session are prefixed, so there is no chance that something will override your values.


composer require pizzaminded/facebook-http-foundation-bridge



$urlDetectionHandler = Pizzaminded\FacebookHttpFoundationBridge\UrlDetectionHandler::fromRequest($request);
$persistentDataHandler = new Pizzaminded\FacebookHttpFoundationBridge\SessionDataHandler($session);

$facebook = new Facebook\Facebook([
    'url_detection_handler' => $urlDetectionHandler,
    'persistent_data_handler' => $persistentDataHandler

If you are using Symfony 4+:

(Maybe it works on 3.4+, havent checked yet)

Add this lines to your services.yaml:

Pizzaminded\FacebookHttpFoundationBridge\UrlDetectionHandler: ~
Pizzaminded\FacebookHttpFoundationBridge\SessionDataHandler: ~

                app_id: '%facebook_app_id%'
                app_secret: '%facebook_app_secret%'
                default_graph_version: 'v4.0'
                url_detection_handler: '@Pizzaminded\FacebookHttpFoundationBridge\UrlDetectionHandler'
                persistent_data_handler: '@Pizzaminded\FacebookHttpFoundationBridge\SessionDataHandler'
