
A simple HTTP service built with Node, Express, and PostgreSQL running inside of a Docker container. Sequelize is the ORM of choice, and Jest is here for integration testing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Goals:

  • Create a simple HTTP Service using Node and Docker, and persist the data.
  • Containerize the project, with one container for the db, and another for the API

This project is made with:

  • Node.js: for developing this server side application!

  • Express: for handling routing, middleware, and general JSON support

  • Sequelize: for handling database interactions, ORM, and API calls

  • Jest: for providing database integration testing

  • PM2: to handle production workflows, and keep the app alive once it's deployed

  • To run this project in dev, open Docker Desktop: docker compose up

  • To start only the server: npm start

  • To run pm2: stop all services (docker, and the server.) Run: npm run pm2

  • To test the db connection, make sure Docker Desktop is running: docker compose run customerbook npm test

Next Steps:

  • update the model to handle more 'realistic' customer information, including: customer_id, transaction_id, transaction_type, and date_of_transaction
  • drop the current db and create a new one to handle an updated schema
  • modify tests to account for updates to the model
  • clean up the project directory and get rid of unused functions/ modules
  • refactor some modules to better adhere to the 3-layer app architecture, as seen here: https://blog.treblle.com/egergr/
  • write up what the models are, and what the data looks like. What are we storing?
  • draw a diagram of this app structure, including the models
  • what is the MVP of this project, and what are some features that would get added next?
  • what is the user-story for this project?
  • what are the future plans for CI/CD?
  • break out Postman or Insomnia, and add some data
  • add a React frontend and display the data in a clean and simple way

Helpful links:

-Link to this tutorial:

-Link to this tutorial repo:

  • CI/CD Docker docs: