
A task managing app created using FastAPI, React, Python, and MongoDB Atlas Cloud

Primary LanguagePython

Project Goals:

  • To demo a simple FARM stack project, using MongoDB Atlas Cloud, FastAPI, and React.
  • Create a To-Do app with full CRUD that can easily manage a user's tasks, persist them to a database, and render them in the browser

To run this project:

  • ensure MongoDB Atlas cluster is actie and configured properly
  • activate virtual environment: `source .venv/bin/activate'
  • cd to backend, run: uvicorn main:app --reload
  • cd to frontend, open a new terminal and run: npm run dev
  • Swagger UI can be accessed at localhost:8000/docs

Next steps:

  • Dockerize it into 3 containers:
  • MongoDb
  • API
  • Client
  • unit tests
  • integration testing
  • CI/CD
  • Add more features/ broaden functionality