
Lets any browser currently viewing your lovelace interface act as an audio receiver with a media_player interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lets any browser currently viewing your lovelace interface act as an audio receiver with a media_player interface.

Example use case: An iPad mounted to your wall as a home automation dashboard, can now receive text-to-speech announcements from home-assistant.


  1. Copy lovelace-player.js and lovelace-player-config.js to <ha config>/www/lovelace-player.js and <ha config>/www/lovelace-player-config.js.

  2. Download floorplan_speaker.py from pkozul/ha-floorplan-kiosk to <ha config>/custom_components/media_player/floorplan_speaker.py

  3. Add a media_player to your home assistant config

  - platform: floorplan_speaker
    name: my_lovelace_player
  1. Add the .js files as resources in ui-lovelace.yaml
  - url: /local/lovelace-player.js
    type: js
  - url: /local/lovelace-player-config.js
    type: js
  1. On the device you wish to use as a receiver, browse to your lovelace UI. You'll find that the main title of the page has been replaced with the words LovelacePlayer Device ID: followed by a hexadecimal number on the form xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx. This is your Device ID.

  2. Bind your device to the media_player by editing lovelace-player-config.js. Also remove or comment out the line LovelacePlayer.debug(); to restore the lovelace main title.

setTimeout(function() {

  // Add your bindings here
  LovelacePlayer.bind("media_player.my_lovelace_player", "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx");

  // Remove this line when you found your Device ID
  // LovelacePlayer.debug();
}, 200);


  • You will probably need to somehow invalidate your browser cache after any change to lovelace-player-config.js. If you're not using lovelace-gen, which handles that automatically via the !resource directive, this can be done by adding ?number after the filename in the resource list of ui-lovelace.yaml - where number is a number which you increment after each change.

  • The Device ID is a random number that is generated the first time you view the lovelace UI in a new browser after installing lovelace-player. It is stored in your browsers localStorage and cannot be accessed or used to identify your browser by any other website. This is not true for Fully Kiosk Browser for Android.

  • If your media player suddenly stops working one day, it might be because the localStorage has somehow gotten reset. I have no idea how, when or even if this might happen, but if it does, you will need to find the new Device ID by readding LovelacePlayer.debug() to lovelace-player-config.js and updating the bindings.

  • Refreshing or closing the page will stop playback without reporting the status change back to home-assistant. Switching view within lovelace should not stop playback.