
Geometry processing application

MeshInspector releases

This repository holds public MeshInspector releases.

MeshInspector is an application for geometry processing based on MeshLib. Find more in Slides.


Check out web version of MeshInspector

This is still in work, tested on Chrome and Firefox browsers

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  • OpenGL v4 by default, v3 for a compatibility


  • Fast drawing up to 20+M triangles,
  • Hardware-accelerated object picker (finding triangle or point under the cursor).

Viewport camera modes

  • Perspective and Orthographic,
  • Renderable objects
    • Cloud points,
    • Meshes,
    • Lines,
    • Voxels
    • DistanceMaps

Color and textures

  • Vertices color map,
  • Triangles color map,
  • Static textures.

Order independed transparency

Perfect and fast visualization of many transparent objects with complex geometry using OpenGL 4: image

Convenient for mesh algorithms debugging, showing mesh edges, boundaries

Computed-tomography reconstruction

An ability to reconstruct voxel object from a set of projection images (radiographs) and known cone-beam CT scanner geometry parameters. Nvidia GPU is utilized via CUDA technology for the best reconstruction performance.