
Practice with Svelte.js with a series of applications.

Primary LanguageHTML



In this repo I set out to include and hopefully explain a series of projects using Svelte.js.

A light-bright app inspired by a take-home project at freeCodeCamp. A perfect way to ease in the framework and explain basic concepts, directly in the REPL.

Tags: getting started, repl, components, reactivity, events, dispatcher

A silly button allowing to raise a mallet and strike the puck of a carnival machine. Using SVG syntax, svelte reactivity and built-in motion functions.

Tags: reactivity, motion, spring, subscribe, tweened

Describe the eliminatory stages for a hypothetical sport competition, taking advantage of the <svelte:self> component.

Tags: self, store, custom store

Create a CRUD application to add/update/delete key value pairs. Highlight the items through D3 and two visualizations.

Tags: bind, custom store, crud, d3

Create an application allowing to track the passing of time and the lapse between laps.

Tags: setInterval, store, readable, animation, conditional statements

Elaborate the absolute frequency for every word included in a textarea element. Highlight the result through a table and a pie chart.

Tags: each, d3, fetch, animation

Compute the wind chill index on the basis of the input temperature and speed. Differentiate the result according to the chosen unit of measure.

Tags: form, dispatch, spread

A memory-based game in which cards are flipped and matched in pairs.

Tags: utils, each, svg, transition

An experiment with SVG syntax and the Aldous-Broder algorithm to create an endless game in which the player moves within the boundaries of a maze to reach a goal.

Tags: svg, algorithm, motion, grid, promise

Create a series of independent applications for a hypothetical smart watch.

Tags: svg, components

Recreate the basic structure of the popular puzzle game which allows to draw stylized figures with a pixelated look.

Tags: svg, table, transition

Create an online editor which allows to compose and preview markdown syntax.

Tags: markdown, markup, local storage

Create a reusable component to share a quote or even introduce an article.

Tags: readable, custom store

Build upon the concept developed in this pen to have an application tracking key strokes and their correctness against a provided string of characters.

Highlight the google trends for the Tour de France through simple, yet effective and reusable line charts.

Tags: d3, component

Use a readable store and SVG syntax to display the current time in a classic visual.

Tags: readable, svg, motion

Create an interactive form allowing to edit and show the opening crawls from a Star Wars movie.

Create an interactive contact card, editing and displaying the input information on two opposing sides.

Compute basic arithmetic operations and animate the solution with a staggered animation.

Create icons of different size using the Canvas API and the experimental Path2D interface.