
working copy for durpal dev day 2015 sprint, cloned from git://git.drupal.org/project/flag.git

Primary LanguagePHP

Flag for Drupal 8 Build Status


  • Introduction
  • History and Maintainers
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Support


The Flag module allows you to define a boolean toggle field and attach it to a node, comment, user, or any entity type. You may define as many of these 'flags' as your site requires. By default, flags are per-user. This means any user with the proper permission may chose to flag the entity.

One example use of Flag is to create a "read later" flag for content. Each user may choose to mark the content as "read later". The site builder can create a view that displays all the content the user has chosen to read later.

Other flag examples include:

  • Favorite
  • Mark as spam
  • Friend (for users)

You may want to visit the handbook of this module, at:


History and Maintainers

This module was formerly known as Views Bookmark, which was originally was written by Earl Miles. Later versions of Flag were written by Nathan Haug and Mooffie. Flag 8.x was written by socketwench.

Current Flag Maintainers:

  • Joachim
  • Shabana Blackborder
  • socketwench


Flag 8.x is installed like any other Drupal 8 module and requires brief configuration prior to use.

  1. Download the module to your DRUPAL_ROOT/modules directory, or where ever you install contrib modules on your site.
  2. Go to Admin > Extend and enable the module.


Configuration of Flag module involves creating one or more flags.

  1. Go to Admin > Structure > Flags, and click "Add flag".
  2. Select the target entity type, and click "Continue".
  3. Enter the flag link text, link type, and any other options.
  4. Click "Save Flag".
  5. Under Admin > People, configure the permissions for each Flag.

Once you are finished creating flags, you may choose to use Views to leverage your new flags.


If you experience a problem with flag or have a problem, file a request or issue on the flag queue at http://drupal.org/project/issues/flag.


Posting in the issue queues is a direct line of communication with the module authors.

No guarantee is provided with this software, no matter how critical your information, module authors are not responsible for damage caused by this software or obligated in any way to correct problems you may experience.

Licensed under the GPL 2.0. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt