
WebService::Idonethis - Interface with the iDoneThis website

Primary LanguagePerl

WebService::Idonethis - Perl wrapper around idonethis.com

Using this module

This implements a simple Perl front-end for the http://idonethis.com/ website.

See http://privacygeek.blogspot.com.au/2013/02/reimplementing-idonethis-memory-service.html for an article on why this is useful and how to use its features.

This code can be found released on the CPAN as WebService::Idonethis. The latest stable release can be installed with:

cpanm WebService::Idonethis

Developing this module

If you want to help develop this module, then feel free to clone the repo here. Contributions are greatly appreciated!

This project uses Dist::Zilla to take care of all boring parts of development. To install Dist::Zilla, use your favourite CPAN installer:

cpanm Dist::Zilla


dzil authordeps | cpanm

For testing, use dzil test. If you want a traditional-looking module directory in which to poke around, use dzil build.