
A collection of Tintin++ scripts for playing MUME (www.mume.org)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A collection of TinTin++ scripts for MUME, forked from https://github.com/nstockton/tintin-mume.

Work in Progress.

Since speed is important to play mume, these scripts implement several macros system: one use the keypad, one use the alt key, one use the row of numbers, and another implements a modal system reminiscent of vim:

  • In quick mode, it is not needed to hit enter, each key press executes an action directly. This is the mainly used mode.
  • In writing mode, one must hit enter to execute the action. This mode should be used occasionnaly, to set up variables, write emotes, etc.
  • the bar Space toggles the writing mode on, while Tab behaves like the carriage returns and toggles the quick mode on.
  • As in vim, the letters h,j,k,l define directions. u and n, are directions up and down.
  • A targetting system is implemented: use v[a|d|p|o|m|t|w|z] to target animal, dunlending, plant, orc*, man*, troll*, woman*, zaugurz*. Or v mytarget in writing mode.


You will need tintin++: http://tintin.sourceforge.net.

The scripts are supposed to be used with the Mume-mapperproxy by Nstockton: https://github.com/nstockton/mapperproxy-mume. The makefile can install it with the command make mapper.


This directory contains a sample character file that you should edit to add your character name, password, default wimpy, and to configure the scripts to load. Once done, if you have correctly set up the mapper, you can play with:

    tt++ my_char.tin


Some aliases are supposed to be used from the character file to set up some variables:

setweapon weapon1 weapon2 # to quickly switch from one to the other
setlight sourcelight # The scripts toggle light on or off automatically.
setrecipient # set your water container, to automatically fill it

From the character file, you should also include the aliases you want to use. By default, only the file tin/alias_common.tin, which define the most commonly used aliases is included. You may want to also include tin/alias_cleric.tin for a cleric, or tin/alias_mage.tin for a mage.


There are several macro files you may want to include.

For the numeric keypad

If you want your macros to be executed from the numeric keypad, include tin/macro_keypad.tin.

For the number row

If you want your macros to be executed from the number row, include tin/macro_number.tin. This file has been made for an azerty keyboard, but should be easily modified to suit your own keyboard.

This file implements the alias action to set up an action to execute on [1-9].target, when hitting the corresponding number. unaction will remove these macros. For example, if you enter action cast 'blind' you can blind 3.target by hitting " (key 3, on an azerty keyboard).

For the Alt key

tin/macro_alt.tin define macros for the alt key (for an azerty keyboard).

Alt-h: west
Alt-j: south
Alt-k: north
Alt-l: east
Alt-u: up
Alt-n: down
Alt-a: assist
Alt-z: z
Alt-f: flee
Alt-i: i
Alt-q: kill $target
Alt-o: open $door
Alt-c: close $door

For the modal mode

To use the modal mode, one must include both tin/modal.tin and the the dedicated macro file he wants. For most characters, tin/modal_common.tin is enough. Include tin/modal_cleric.tin instead for a cleric, or tin/modal_mage.tin for a mage.

The script modalizer.py is used to generate these files. It takes as argument a list of files containing aliases, and builts the macros from those aliases. As a result, the macros are exactly the same as your aliases.

python modalizer.py alias_common.tin > modal_common.tin
python modalizer.py alias_common.tin alias_cleric.tin > modal_cleric.tin

You should use that script if you want to set up your own aliases. Beware that it does not check for errors. For instance, if you define both the alias abc and the alias abcd, only the macro abc will work.



Space: switch to _writing_ mode.
Tab: switch to _quick_ mode.


h: west
j: south
k: north
l: east
u: up
n: down


These single letter aliases are for the most frequently done actions. You may need to overwrite those aliases to suit your character and playstyle.

a: assist
f: flee
i: blind for clerics, bolts for mages.
z: stab for scouts, bolts for clerics, quake for mages.
m: change mood
M: change weapon
q: kill $target
,: go

The , alias (or go in writing mode), is a special command which behaves differently depending on the situation:

  • By default, it moves one step toward the pre-defined destination (see the path section below),
  • When tracking, it follows the track,
  • When fleeing, it comes back to where you fled from,
  • When your victim flees, it follows it.


Ap: change alertness paranoid
An: change alertness normal


bb: bash assassin, brigand, bandit, smuggler, ruffian, thief
b[a|d|p]: bash animal, dunlending, shadow, plant
b[m|o|t|w|z]: bash man*, orc*, troll*, woman*, zaugurz*
bs: bash skeleton, spirit, soldier
bv: bash $target
bk[a-l]: bash target labelled k[a-l]
bl: label target and bash it.
bq: bash (when engaged)
bi: bash next.target 
br: bash 1.target
b[1-9]: bash [1-9].$target 


Offensive spells begining by c are not casted against any target, and should only be used when engaged.

Common spells

Common spells are defined in the file tin/alias_common.tin. Spells for clerics and mages are defined in the files tin/alias_cleric.tin and tin/alias_mage.tin.

cb: bless
cf: create food; eat mushroom.
cl: cure light
cn: change spellcasting normally
cq: change spellcasting quick
cw: create water

Cleric spells

ca: armour
cc: cure critic
cd: shield
ce: dispel evil
ch: heal
ci: blind
cm: summon
cn: cure blindness
co: word of recall
cp: remove poison
cr: breath of briskness
cs: cure serious
ct: strength
cy: sanctuary
cz: lightning bolt

c[1-9]: blind [1-9].target
[&é"'(-è_ç]: blind [1-9].target

Mage spells

To teleport easily, all the keys given by locate life are recorded. ck will list those recorded keys, and ct 2 will teleport you to the second key in that recorded list. A label can be added to a recorded key with the command keyl 3 my_label. The list of keys can be deleted (cleared) with keyc, while keyd 4 will delete the key number 4, and keyd 2 6 will delete keys 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

ca: armour
ci: lightning bolt
cr: create light lantern
ck: list teleport keys
ch: locate current room (with locate life $character_name)
ct: teleport %1
c[1-9]: teleport to key 1-9


da[h|j|k|l|u|n]: bar door $direction
db[h|j|k|l|u|n]: bash door $direction
dc[h|j|k|l|u|n]: close door $direction
dg[h|j|k|l|u|n]: knock door $direction
dk[h|j|k|l|u|n]: block door $direction
dl[h|j|k|l|u|n]: lock door $direction
dn[h|j|k|l|u|n]: unbar door $direction
do[h|j|k|l|u|n]: open door $direction
dp[h|j|k|l|u|n]: pick door $direction
dr[h|j|k|l|u|n]: break door $direction
du[h|j|k|l|u|n]: unlock door $direction
d[abcgklnopru]d: bar|bash|close|knock|block|lock|unbar|open|pick|break|unlock $doorname

dh: pick chest; open chest; look in chest


dw: drink water; pour water $recipient
df: drink $recipient (flagon, flask...);


Emotes should be defined within the character file.

eb: ebow (eemote bows swiftly.)
ed: edie (eemote dies, with a sigh.)
ef: eflee (eemote shouts "FLEE !")
eh: ehair (eemote 's long hair flow on the wind.)
ei: eintriguing (eemote raises an eyebrow, surprised.)
el: elaugh (eemote laughs with joy.)
es: esmile (eemote smiles with amuzement.)
en: eno (eemote does not seem to agree.; say no)
ey: eyes (eemote nods softly; say yes)


gaa: get all
gac: get all corpse
gap: get all.coins (pennies) all.corpse
gam: gap; get all.metal all.corpse; get all.sword all.corpse
gal: look in corpse


The long alias leader leader_name can be used to set up your leader. The leader name is also automatically set when someone beckons you to follow.

When a leader is set up, autoride is toggled on and you will mount and lead automatically. To toggle it off, enter autoride. Similarly to autoride, you can use backride to automatically ride behind your leader.

gb: toggle backride on or off
gcb: cast 'bless' $leader
gcl: cast 'cure light' $leader
gf: follow %1
gl: label %1
gn: set leader to none
gp: protect $leader
gr: rescue $leader
gs: follow self
gt: tell group %0
gw: wake $leader
gx: examine $leader

Clerics also have the following aliases:

gcc: cure critic $leader
gch: heal $leader
gcn: cure blindness $leader
gcp: remove poison $leader
gcs: cure serious $leader
gct: strength $leader
gcy: sanctuary $leader


Hq: hide quick
Ht: hide thorough


LL: look; exit

Order to follower

Once you have set up your follower with follower follower_name, you can use the following aliases:

oa: ask $follower assist
ob: bandage $follower
ocb: bless $follower
ocl: cure light $follower
oh: ask $follower health
om: ask $follower moves
or: ask $follower ride %1
ot: ask $follower time
ox: examine $follower

Clerics also have the following aliases:

occ: cure critic $follower
och: heal $follower
ocl: cure light $follower
ocn: cure blindness $follower
ocp: remove poison $follower
ocs: cure serious $follower
ocy: sanctuary $follower


These commands use the path finding capacities of the mapperproxy. To set up a path use ps label, where label is the label given to a room. The list of labels is in data/rooms_labels.json. The label of the current room can be obtained with pl. You can also search for a label name with pf expr.

Once you have set up a path, you can walk one step toward your destination with pg, run toward that direction with pr, or show the whole path with ps.

pk puts a mark on a room. pm shows the path to that room and sets your default destination to that mark.

A mark is automaticaly put on the room you die on, so you can find the path to that room, and set it as your default destination with pd.

pd: show the path to death mark
pf: search for label %1
pg: go one step toward recorded destination
pk: mark the current room
pl: get the label of the current room
pm: show the path to the last marked room
pp: set and show the path to %1
pr: run to recorded destination
ps: stop running


ra: aba
rk: ride behind $leader (set backride on)
ri: ride
rl: lead mount
rz: stand; lead; ride


rb: bandage
rc: butcher corpse
re: rest
rs: sleep
rt: wake; stand
ru: burn corpse
ry: toggle light on or off.

Score, search, scout, sneak###

sc: score, stat
sa: look around
sf: flush quick
sg: reveal ginseng
sq: reveal quick
sr: seek rivendell
ss: sneak
st: reveal thorough
s[h|j|k|l|u|d]: scout direction
S[h|j|k|l|u|d]: search direction


On login, you should have a look at a clock to synchronise with the game time. Then, you can use ti to print the time.

ti: time short


In quick mode, you will usually track you current target with tv (see the targetting system below), or simply track with tr. To track a specific target you can use tr target in the writing mode. From the quick mode, you can use wtr target.

tr: track
th: track horse
t[m|o|t|w|z]: track man*, orc*, troll*, woman*, zaugurz*
tv: track $target


You can target something in writing mode with vv something. From the quick mode, type <space>vv something instead. Once your target is set, all offensive commands (spells, backstab, bash, hit, etc.), will target it.

You can specify the target number with v[1-9], increase that number with vi or reset it to 1 with vr.

vv: target %1
vb: target assassin, brigand, bandit, smuggler, ruffian, thief
v[a|d|h|p]: target animal, dunlending, plant
v[m|o|t|w|z]: target man, orc, troll, woman, zaugurz
vv[m|o|t|w|z]: target man*, orc*, troll*, woman*, zaugurz*
v[g|h|j]: set target [g|h|j]
vf: target $found
vs: target wraith, shadow, spirit, soldier, skeleton
vk: label the target `k`, target `k`.
vl: label the target `l`, target `l`.
vx: exam $target, cons $target
vi: increase the target number
vr: reset the target number to 1
v[1-9]: set the target number 
vl: label current target
vk[a-i]: target label k[a-i]

Xp, exam

xa: report xp and tp
xp: show xp
xr: report xp till next level
xs: report score
xt: show tp

xx: exam target


ya: recover all
yf: shoot; flee
yg: go; shoot; flee
yq: shoot (when engaged)
yr: recover
yy: shoot $target