
Doh! is a web page generator and server that uses Markdown files and a simple folder structure

Primary LanguagePerl

Build Status

Doh is a documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.


  • 100% Mobile responsive
  • Supports an extended flavour of multi-markdown
  • Automatically created home / landing page
  • Automatic syntax highlighting
  • Automatically generated navigation
  • 4 Built-in colour themes or roll your own
  • Functional, flat design style
  • Shareable / linkable SEO friendly URLs
  • Bootstrap classes on the markup
  • No build step
  • Git / SVN friendly
  • Google analytics
  • Optional code float layout
  • CodeMirror markdown editor and file management
  • Multi-language support
  • Static site generator
  • Text searching


I saw Daux.io on Github and it said "Fork Me" so I did.

JavaScript libraries hosted by CloudFlare.


I exchanged the PHP for modern Perl, Moo, Plack, and Web::Simple. Not a fan of Bootstrap so that went also. Prefer class based inheritance when JavaScript programming hence Mootools not jQuery.


The App-Doh repository contains meta data that lists the CPAN modules used by the application. Modern Perl CPAN distribution installers (like App::cpanminus) use this information to install the required dependencies when this application is installed.


  • Perl 5.12.0 or above
  • Git - to install App::Doh from Github

To find out if Perl is installed and which version; at a shell prompt type

   perl -v

To find out if Git is installed, type

   git --version

If you don't already have it, bootstrap App::cpanminus with:

   curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus

Then install local::lib with:

   cpanm --notest --local-lib=~/App-Doh local::lib && \
      eval $(perl -I ~/App-Doh/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib=~/App-Doh)

The second statement sets environment variables to include the local Perl library. You can append the output of the perl command to your shell startup if you want to make it permanent. Without the correct environment settings Perl will not be able to find the installed dependencies and the following will fail, badly.

Install App-Doh with:

   cpanm --notest git://github.com/pjfl/p5-app-doh.git

Although this is a simple application it is composed of many CPAN distributions and, depending on how many of them are already available, installation may take a while to complete. The flip side is that there are no external dependencies like Node.js or Grunt to install. Anyway you are advised to seek out sustenance whilst you wait for ack-2.12 to run it's tests. At the risk of installing broken modules (they are only going into a local library) you can skip the tests by running cpanm with the --notest option.

If that fails run it again with the --force option

   cpanm --force git:...

By default the development server will run at: http://localhost:5000 and can be started in the foreground with:

   cd App-Doh
   plackup bin/doh-server

Users must authenticate against the users.json file under the document root. The default user is admin password admin123. You should change that via the user profile editor which is the stud that appears on the right of the header after you have logged in. To start the production server in the background listening on the default port 8085 use:

   doh-daemon start

The doh-daemon program provides normal SysV init script semantics. Additionally the daemon program will write an init script to standard output in response to the command:

   doh-daemon get_init_file


The generator will look for folders in the var/root/docs folder. Add your folders inside the var/root/docs folder. This project contains some example folders and files to get you started.

The first folder under var/root/docs should be a language code. This defaults to en for English. Even if you only plan to use one language you will still need to create your files and folders underneath the language folder.

You can nest folders any number of levels to get the exact structure you want. The folder structure will be converted to the nested navigation.


The generator will look for Markdown *.md or *.mkdn files inside the var/root/docs folder and any of the subfolders within var/root/docs.

You must use either the .md or the .mkdn file extension for your files. Also, you must use underscores instead of spaces. Here are some example file names and what they will be converted to:


  • 01_Getting_Started.md = Getting Started
  • API_Calls.md = API Calls
  • 200_Something_Else-Cool.md = Something Else-Cool


  • File Name With Space.md = FAIL

The generator will also look for files with the extensions; .pl, .pm, and .pod. It will create markup from Perl's POD contained in these files.

Text files with .txt extension will be rendered wrapped in 'pre' tags.


To sort your files and folders in a specific way, you can prefix them with a number and underscore, e.g. var/root/docs/en/01_Hello_World.md and var/root/docs/en/05_Features.md. This will list Hello World before Features, overriding the deafult alpha-numeric sorting. The language code, numbers, and file extensions will be stripped out of the navigation links and URIs.

Landing page

If you want to create a beautiful landing page for your project, simply create a index.md file in the root of the var/root/docs/en folder. This file will then be used to create a landing page. You can also add a description and image to this page using the config file like this:

      "title": "Doh!",
      "description": "An Easiest Way To Document Your Project",
      "brand": "app.png"


To customize the look and feel of your documentation, you can create a app-doh.json file in the of the var/root/docs folder. The app-doh.json file is a simple JSON object that you can use to change some of the basic settings of the documentation. The config help page details the available configuration attributes


Change the title bar in the docs

      "title": "Doh!"


We have 4 built-in colour themes. To use one of the themes, just set the theme option to one of the following:

  • blue
  • green
  • navy
  • red

You can set the theme option by appending '?theme=<colour>' to any URI. The value will persist once it has been set.

      "theme": "blue"

Custom Theme:

To create a custom color scheme, set the theme property to custom and then define the required colors. Copy the following configuration to get started:

      "theme": "custom",
      "colors": {
         "sidebar-background": "#f7f7f7",
         "sidebar-hover": "#c5c5cb",
         "lines": "#e7e7e9",
         "dark": "#3f4657",
         "light": "#82becd",
         "text": "#2d2d2d",
         "syntax-string": "#022e99",
         "syntax-comment": "#84989b",
         "syntax-number": "#2f9b92",
         "syntax-label": "#840d7a"

Code Floating:

By deafult your code blocks will be floated to a column on the right side of your content. To disable this feature, set the float property to false, or add ?float=0 to any URI to store the choice in the preferences. Add ?float=1 to any URI to re-enable the feature

      "float": false


The config attribute no_index is a list of filename patterns to ignore when indexing the document tree

   [ '.git', '.htpasswd', '.svn', 'app-doh.json' ]


The list of locales (languages) supported

      "locales": [ "en", "de" ]

Github Repo:

Add a 'Fork me on Github' ribbon.

      "repo_url": "https://github.com/pjfl/p5-app-doh.git"


Include twitter follow buttons in the sidebar.

      "twitter": [ "perl", "web-simple" ]


Include custom links in the sidebar.

      "links": {
         "Download": "https://github.com/pjfl/p5-app-doh/archive/master.zip",
         "Github Repo": "https://github.com/pjfl/p5-app-doh.git",
         "Issues/Wishlist": "http://github.com/pjfl/p5-app-doh/issues"

Google Analytics:

This will embed the Google Analytics tracking code.

      "analytics": "UA-XXXXXXXXX-XX"

Toggling Code Blocks

The select menu in the left column of the documentation template allows for the selection of different code block display modes. Code blocks can be displayed in the page float view, the can be displayed inline, and they can be hidden

Multi-language Support

Use your browsers preferences to set the Accept-Language header in the request to the desired language. If available it will be served in preference to the default language, English.

The national flag on the right of the title bar indicates the language of the file being displayed or edited. Adding ?use_flags=0 to a URI will turn the flags off and display a language code instead.

Text within the application can be translated into other languages by creating GNU Gettext portable object files. The path is var/locale/<language_code>/LC_MESSAGES and the two file names are default.po and app_doh.po. Messages in the default.po are common to all programs in the application. Creating English translation files allows the terse error messages to be replaced with more user friendly ones.

Directory structure:

   ├── docs/
   │   ├── en/
   │   │   ├── index.md
   │   │   ├── 00_Getting_Started.md
   │   │   ├── 01_Examples/
   │   │   │   ├── 01_GitHub_Flavored_Markdown.md
   │   │   │   ├── 05_Code_Highlighting.md
   │   │   ├── 05_More_Examples/
   │   │   │   ├── Hello_World.md
   │   │   │   ├── 05_Code_Highlighting.md
   │   ├── de/
   │   │   ├── index.md
   │   │   ├── 00_Getting_Started.md
   │   │   ├── 01_Examples/
   │   │   │   ├── 01_GitHub_Flavored_Markdown.md
   │   │   │   ├── 05_Code_Highlighting.md
   │   │   ├── 05_More_Examples/
   │   │   │   ├── Hello_World.md
   │   │   │   ├── 05_Code_Highlighting.md

Markdown Editor

[File editor]

The markdown in the document tree is editable via the web browser. The Edit link is in the left navigation column after the code blocks selector. The Save button at the bottom of the text editor makes the changes permanent.

The Create link displays a modal dialog. Enter the path to the file you want to create. The path should be relative to the language sub-directory, it should not begin with a leading slash. Do include numeric prefixes for sorting purposes, use slashes to delineate directories and files, spaces will be replaced with underscores, and the file extension is optional. Any new directories in the file path will be automatically created.

The Delete link will prompt for confirmation before deleting the markdown file. Empty directories will be removed.

The Upload link lets you select a file to upload. The uploaded file appears in the var/root/docs/assets directory. It can be referenced from a template using [\% links.assets %\]your-asset.jpg, or from markdown as [\%links.assets%\]your-asset.jpg (no spaces).

Generating CSS from Less

Only the green theme is precompiled, if you want the other colour themes then install Node, Lessc, and CSS::LESS. As root:

   apt-get update
   apt-get install git-core curl build-essential openssl libssl-dev
   git clone https://github.com/joyent/node.git
   cd node
   ./configure --openssl-libpath=/usr/lib/ssl
   make install
   # Node installed with broken permissions which I had to fix at this point
   npm install -g less

Now you should have a working lessc command. Create the other CSS files with (not as root):

   cpanm --force CSS::LESS
   doh-cli make_css

Generating a set of static files

This command creates a static HTML version of the documentation in the var/root/static directory

   doh-cli make_static


There is a link on the right side of the title bar that displays the Perl documentation for App::Doh

If you need help using Doh, or have found a bug, please create an issue on the Github repo.

Please note that a Perl module failing to install is not an issue for this application. Each Perl module has an issues tracker which can be found via that modules Meta::CPAN page