The website is accessible through FTP/SFTP/SSH. You can use a free client like FileZilla or Cyberduck to access the website's files. Ask the previous MRun webmaster for the username and password.
In order to test out the website on your own computer you need to be running a server with PHP. Download xampp to set up your localhost as a server.
How To Update Website
To update social events, meets, and mass meeting times by editing the events.txt file
Do not change the #page and be sure to make sure events are place below the proper page and formatted like: /Event\
Social events go on the current members page, mass meetings and prectice times go on the potential members page
#page year
/Month Day Event Name\
/Month Day Event Name @ Location\
#page year
/Month Day Time Event Name @ Location (Building)\
Meet Results
To update meet results go into the results.html page
Format the html the same as the other blocks of code and be sure to add <!--MOST RECENT--> after the most recent event link (this will update the link on the home page)
To add newsletters simply add a pdf to the newsletters folder saved as YYYY-MM.pdf
To add news articles to the news page add html files to the articles folder saved as YYYY-MM-DD.html
<h1>Headline</h1><p>Paragraph</p><h3>Subheadline</h3><p>Paragraph</p><!--avoid using <h2>-->
When to Update The Website
Basic overview
Keep meet information (dates, locations, results) up to date
Keep club info (practice time/location, etc.) up to date
Keep record times document up to date after each meet
Add/update any information people ask for
Update social events, meets, and mass meeting times by editing the events.txt file.
Summer/beginning of the year
Update pictures on website with new ones from latest track season
Update board member information on contact page
After fall and spring mass meetings
Put mass meeting slides on website
After each meet
Update results page with link to meet results
*Check if any new club records were set, and add them to the records document
Possibly add any new pictures from the meet (not always necessary, just if there are any good ones or whatever)
Before/during RAM
Update donation link (IMPORTANT)
Update RAM information (current year, list of business sponsors)
Update pictures
News and sponsors sections
Update with new sponsors and newsletters/blog posts as they become available (president or someone else will tell you when there's new sponsor or blog stuff to post, newsletters come out every month)
At the end of your term (after next elections, during board transition)
Give new webmaster access to the records spreadsheet
Give new webmaster access to google analytics account