SimplyAuthenticate ================== SimplyAuthenticate is a Rails plugin providing a relatively simple but on the other hand quite complete role based authentication system. Requirements ============ Rails version 2.3+ Gem dependencies: redgreen (for testing) [OPTIONAL] sqlite3-ruby (for testing) unidecode (for a reliable .to_slug for user names) Other plugins dependencies: ruby_extensions (.to_slug method for String class) ( simply_settings (to store application settings concerning registration) ( [OPTIONAL] Installation ============ git submodule add git:// vendor/plugins/simply_authenticate git commit -m "Add simply_authenticate plugin as a submodule" script/generate model user class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authenticated end db/migrate/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_create_users.rb create_table :users do |t| t.string :email, :limit => 120, :default => '', :null => false t.string :hashed_password, :limit => 40, :default => '', :null => false t.string :name, :limit => 30, :default => '' t.string :slug, :limit => 30, :default => '' t.string :gender, :limit => 1 t.string :salt, :limit => 10 t.string :activation_code, :limit => 40 t.datetime :activated_on t.boolean :is_activated, :default => false, :null => false t.boolean :is_blocked, :default => false, :null => false t.string :autologin_token, :limit => 40 t.datetime :autologin_expires t.string :new_email, :limit => 120 t.string :new_email_activation_code, :limit => 40 t.integer :login_count, :default => 0, :null => false t.string :current_ip, :limit => 20 t.string :last_ip, :limit => 20 t.string :last_failed_ip, :limit => 20 t.datetime :current_logged_on t.datetime :last_logged_on t.datetime :last_failed_logged_on t.datetime :created_on t.datetime :updated_on end add_index :users, :autologin_token add_index :users, :email, :unique => true add_index :users, :slug script/generate model role class Role < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authenticated_role end db/migrate/xxxx_create_roles.rb create_table :roles do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 30, :default => '', :null => false t.string :slug, :limit => 30, :default => '', :null => false end add_index :roles, :slug, :unique => true script/generate migration create_roles_users create_table :roles_users, :id => false do |t| t.integer :role_id, :null => false t.integer :user_id, :null => false end execute "ALTER TABLE `roles_users` ADD PRIMARY KEY `role_id_user_id` (`role_id`, `user_id`)" script/generate migration add_default_roles # Add roles you'd like your system to have. Administrator and user roles are required def self.up Role.create(:slug => 'user', :name => 'Użytkownik') Role.create(:slug => 'administrator', :name => 'Administrator') Role.create(:slug => 'editor', :name => 'Redaktor') Role.create(:slug => 'moderator', :name => 'Moderator') end def self.down Role.find_by_slug('moderator').destroy Role.find_by_slug('editor').destroy Role.find_by_slug('administrator').destroy Role.find_by_slug('user').destroy end run the migrations: rake db:migrate script/generate controller users class UsersController < ApplicationController # certain filters for certain actions before_filter :login_required, :only => [:logout, :profile, :change_password, :change_email_address] before_filter :registration_allowed, :only => [:register] # OPTIONAL before_filter :password_change_allowed, :only => [:change_password] # OPTIONAL before_filter :password_reset_allowed, :only => [:forgot_password] # OPTIONAL before_filter :administrator_role_required, :only => [:index, :show, :edit] def register register_and_redirect_to_default end def activate_account activate_account_login_and_redirect_to_default end def send_activation_code send_activation_code_and_redirect_to_root end def login login_and_redirect_to_stored end def forgot_password reset_password_and_redirect_to_login end def profile show_or_edit_profile end def change_password change_password_and_redirect_to_profile end def change_email_address change_email_address_and_redirect_to_profile end def activate_new_email_address activate_new_email_address_and_redirect_to_default end def logout logout_and_redirect_to_default end # Administrative methods def index list_users end def show show_user end def edit edit_user end end script/generate mailer Notifications class Notifications < ActionMailer::Base acts_as_authenticated_mailer end config/initializers/simply_authenticate.rb SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.notifications[:application] = 'MyApplication' SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.notifications[:host] = '' SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.notifications[:email] = '' SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.legal_notice = 'Udostępniane dane osobowe są chronione zgodnie z Ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych i Ustawą o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną. Administratorem bazy danych osobowych jest XXX z siedzibą w XXX przy ulicy XXX. Udostępniającemu przysługuje prawo do wglądu i zmiany swoich danych osobowych.' SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.legal_requirements_message = 'Oświadczam, że zostałem poinformowany o przysługujących mi prawach i wyrażam zgodę na przechowywanie i przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez XXX.' # you can see all of the things you can configure in the lib/simply_authenticate_settings.rb file And finally add the login/logout links to the application.html.erb: <% if logged_in? -%> <%= link_to 'Panel użytkownika', panel_path %> <%= link_to 'Wyloguj mnie »', logout_path %> <% else -%> <%= link_to 'Rejestracja', register_path if registration_allowed? %> <%= link_to 'Logowanie »', login_path %> <% end -%> Optional steps -------------- Install the simply_settings plugin ( and add settings for the simply_authenticate plugin ('1' means true/allowed): script/generate migration add_settings_for_the_simply_authenticate_plugin def self.up Setting.create(:slug => 'registration_allowed', :value => '1', :name => 'Możliwość rejestracji użytkowników?') Setting.create(:slug => 'password_change_allowed', :value => '1', :name => 'Użytkownik może zmienić swoje hasło?') Setting.create(:slug => 'password_reset_allowed', :value => '1', :name => 'Użytkownik może zresetować swoje hasło?') end def self.down Setting.find_by_slug('registration_allowed').destroy Setting.find_by_slug('password_change_allowed').destroy Setting.find_by_slug('password_reset_allowed').destroy end rake db:migrate -- It's best to have '/panel' action, where user will be redirected to (by default, using the SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.default_logged_in_redirect_to configuration option) after logging in: routes.rb map.panel '/panel', :controller => 'site', :action => 'panel' site_controller.rb: def panel end -- The plugin comes with its own set of templates for actions defined in the UsersController. If you want to use your own template you can just create it in the app/views/users/ directory of your application and it should be picked up instead of the template from the plugin. There is also one special partial: _detailed_profile.html.erb which is empty by default. You should create it if you'd like to display some additional info about the user in the profile. Like this: app/views/users/_detailed_profile.html.erb <p>Added comments: <strong><%= @user.comments_count %></strong></p> -- application.js (jQuery) // CANCEL buttons from hrefs $('a.cancel:contains("Anuluj")').each(function() { var redirect_to = $(this).attr('href') var button = $('<input type="button" class="cancel" value="Anuluj" />') { window.location = redirect_to }) $(this).replaceWith(button) }) // Focus the email field for the login/register form (but only if the user hasn't started typing yet) $('input[value=""]#user_email').focus() NAMED_SCOPES ============ The User model comes with some predefined named_scopes. User.ordered => User.all(:order => 'name') User.editors => User.all(:joins => :roles, :conditions => "roles.slug='editor'") # works for all roles defined MODEL METHODS ============= The User model comes with some predefined dynamic methods: User.first.is_editor? User.first.editor? # works for all roles defined FILTERS ======= There are some filters defined, which you can use in any controller, like this: before_filter :login_required before_filter :editor_role_required # works for all roles defined HELPERS ======= There are some dynamic helpers available in the views: logged_in? editor? # works for all roles defined ADDING USERS FROM THE CONSOLE ============================= user = => '', :password => 'test123', :password_confirmation => 'test123', :name => 'Test', :gender => 'm') user.is_activated = true user.activated_on = user.roles << Role.find_by_slug('user') TESTING ======= If you'd like to run the tests included within this plugin you must have your application set up properly to work with this plugin. This means having: a user and role models (and corresponding databse tables) and the following plugins installed: simply_settings ( and ruby_extensions ( You also need to have sqlite3 installed: aptitude install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev gem install sqlite3-ruby If you are running into errors like this one: SQLite3::SQLException: index name already exists you must have your indices named uniquely accross the database (sqlite3 limitation), like this: add_index :users, ['slug'], :name => 'users_slug', :unique => true notice the name prefix ('users_'). FAQ === Changing the paths of defined named routes ------------------------------------------ config/initializers/simply_authenticate.rb SimplyAuthenticate::Settings.route_names[:login_path] = 'login' ... See: simply_authenticate/lib/simply_authenticate_settings.rb Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Paweł Gościcki, released under the MIT license
SimplyAuthenticate is a Rails plugin providing a relatively simple but complete role based authentication system.