
A personal collection of zsh aliases and functions.

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of aliases and functions that I use on a regular basis. These are designed for and tested on the zsh shell, the default shell for MacOS and Kali Linux.

Initial Setup

This is a quick guide on the initial setup required to install functions in zsh. Any specific instructions for functions are mentioned in its own README file.

  1. Create a folder to store your functions and completions.

    If you use oh-my-zsh:

    % mkdir ~/.oh-my-zsh/functions
    % mkdir ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions

    If not, then a folder in your home directory works too:

    % mkdir ~/.zsh_functions
    % mkdir ~/.zsh_completions
  2. If you don't use oh-my-zsh, add your functions and completions directory to FPATH. FPATH is similar to how the PATH environment variable works, it looks for functions in the listed folders when a function is called. Add the following line to your .zshrc file:

    export FPATH=~/.zsh_functions:~/.zsh_completions:$FPATH
  3. Autoload all functions and completions. Once you've added a function to the folder, it needs to be loaded each time a shell session starts. Add the following lines to your .zshrc file:

    autoload -U ~/.zsh_functions/*(.:t)
    autoload -U ~/zsh_completions/*(.:t)

This setup will make it easier to add functions in the future, or even create your own!