Azure OpenAI and Cognitive Search Demo


Open the example secrets.json file in the Server folder and replace the relevant placeholders with the keys and values from your deployed services;

{ "OpenAI": { "Key": "", "APIVersion": "2023-05-15", "InstanceName": "", "DeploymentName": "", "EmbedDeploymentName": "" }, "CognitiveSearch": { "Key": "", "IndexName": "", "InstanceName": "" } }

From the Server folder, run the following command to add the secrets to your secrets store;

type .\secrets.json | dotnet user-secrets set

File Upload Requirements

  • Only PDFs are Supported
  • Name your files as follows (4 digit year);


Example Queries

  • What is Microsoft's mission?
  • What is GamePass?
  • How many schools has the Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS) program helped?
  • How much financial and technology assistance has Microsoft committed to for Ukraine in 2022?
  • How many identity threats did Microsoft block in 2022?
  • In coming years how much will technology as a percentage of GDP increase?
  • In modern work, How many monthly active users of Microsoft Teams in 2022?
  • What dividends were declared by the Microsoft directors in 2022? Give the answer as an HTML table.
  • What ambitions drive Microsoft?
  • How close are Microsoft to doubling the number of Black and African American people managers?
  • How many people did microsoft employ on a full time basis in 2022?
  • In 2021, how much did racial and ethnic minority employees earn compared to their white counterparts?
  • What do Microsoft do to support a culture of Learning and Development?