Terraform Template for ICP Deployment in IBM SoftLayer

Before you start

You need a Softlayer account and be aware that applying this template may incur charges to your Softlayer account.


This terraform template perform the following tasks:

Prerequisite: Create IBM Cloud Infrastructure API Key

  1. Login to IBM Cloud
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure
  3. On the IBM CLoud Infrastructure dashboard, find Account Snapshot section and click Users
  4. On user record row, click Actions dropdown to Create/Show API Key

Deployment step from Terraform CLI

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/pjgunadi/ibm-cloud-private-terraform-softlayer.git
  2. Download terraform if you don't have one
  3. Download and install IBM terraform plugin
  • Download the plugin for your workstation OS (Windows/MacOS/Linux)
  • Extract the plugin to your local executable directory. Example: /usr/local/bin/terraform-provider-ibm
  • Update the $HOME/.terraformrc to reference the IBM Provider:
providers {
  ibm = "/usr/local/bin/terraform-provider-ibm"
  1. Login to IBM Cloud Infrastructure (SoftLayer) and create an API Username and API Key
  2. Rename terraform_tfvars.sample file as terraform.tfvars and update the input values as needed.
    Refer to Softlayer API for datacenter and os_reference variable.
  3. Initialize Terraform to download and update the dependencies
terraform init -upgrade
  1. Review Terraform plan
terraform plan
  1. Apply Terraform template
terraform apply

Add/Remove Worker Nodes

  1. Edit existing deployed terraform variable e.g. terraform.tfvars
  2. Increase/decrease the nodes under the worker map variable. Example:
worker = {
    nodes       = "4"
    name        = "worker"
    cpu_cores   = "2"
    disk_size   = "25" // GB
    kubelet_lv  = "10"
    docker_lv   = "89"
    local_disk  = false
    memory      = "8192"
    network_speed = "1000"
    private_network_only = false
    hourly_billing = true
  1. Re-apply terraform template:
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve


  • The data disk size is the sum of LV variables + 1 (e.g kubelet_lv + docker_lv + 1).
  • The block storage size that can be ordered from IBM Cloud Infrastructure, should match to one of the following: 10GB, 20GB, 25GB, 30GB, 40GB, 50GB, 75GB, 100GB, 125GB, 150GB, 175GB, 200GB, 250GB, 300GB, 350GB, 400GB, 500GB, 750GB, 1TB, 1.5TB, and 2TB.

ICP and Gluster Provisioning Module

The ICP and GlusterFS Installation is performed by ICP Provisioning module