Terraform Template for ICP Deployment in VMware

Before you start

Install your VMware cluster environment


This terraform template perform the following tasks:

Prerequsite - vSphere Preparation

Before deploying ICP in your vSphere Cluster environment, verify the following checklist:

  1. Ensure you have a valid username and password to access vCenter
  2. For ICP Enterprise edition, download the ICP installer from IBM Passport Advantage and save it in a local SFTP Server
  3. Internet connection to download ICP (Community Edition) and OS package dependencies
  4. Create Linux VM template with the supported OS of your choice (Ubuntu/RHEL).
  5. The VM template should have:
  • minimum disk size of 20GB
  • configured with Ubuntu package manager or Red Hat subscription manager. If there is no internet connection, ensure that the VM template has all the pre-requisites pre-installed as defined in Knowledge Center

Deployment step from Terraform CLI

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/pjgunadi/ibm-cloud-private-terraform-vmware.git
  2. Download terraform if you don't have one
  3. Rename terraform_tfvars.sample file as terraform.tfvars and update the input values as needed.
  4. Initialize Terraform to download and update the dependencies
terraform init -upgrade
  1. Review Terraform plan
terraform plan
  1. Apply Terraform template
terraform apply

Note: You can also limit the concurrency with: terraform apply -parallelism=x where x=number of concurrency

Add/Remove Worker Nodes

  1. Edit existing deployed terraform variable e.g. terraform.tfvars
  2. Increase/decrease the nodes and add/remove ipaddresses under the worker map variable. Example:
worker = {
    nodes       = "4"
    name        = "worker"
    cpu_cores   = "8"
    kubelet_lv  = "10"
    docker_lv   = "90"
    memory      = "8192"
    ipaddresses = ",,,"
    netmask     = "24"
    gateway     = ""

Note: The data disk size is the sume of LV variables + 1 (e.g kubelet_lv + docker_lv + 1).
2. Re-apply terraform template:

terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve

ICP and Gluster Provisioning Module

The ICP and GlusterFS Installation is performed by ICP Provisioning module