
Python wrapper around Walk Score API

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A Python3 wrapper around the Walk Score APIs. Initially this is just meant for playing around and getting familiar with the API, but with the later intention of mashing up walk scores with e.g. building permit or crime data from data.seattle.gov.

Before using the code in this repository, the following dependencies must be satisfied:

  • The pjh/pyutils repository must be checked out somewhere and a symlink to pyutils/pjh_utils.py must be created in the util subdirectory of this repository.

Run ./main.py -h to see help and usage.

Todo list:

  • Read in target addresses from a file and fetch the walk score result for each of them.
  • Create additional classes under apis/ for transit score and travel time APIs. Perhaps inherit all of these classes from one common base class.