
Check for changes on list of urls of career pages (or just pages in general)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Check for changes on list of urls of career pages (or just pages in general)


  1. clone and cd into the directory
  2. npm install


  1. Update the list of urls in the urls.txt file. One url per line.


  1. From the command line, just run node app.js
  2. The script will output the results. It might takes a while depending how many urls and what else your comptuer is doing. It takes my slow machine about 8 seconds to run about 15 sites.


Both jobs.json and urls.txt are committed with empty / default settings, and then ignored from further commits. If you want to do that on your local branch, run:

git update-index --skip-worktree urls.txt jobs.json

To undo and start tracking again:

git update-index --no-skip-worktree urls.txt jobs.json

To see what files are being skipped:

git ls-files -v . | grep ^S
