
Overlay modules/config onto a JBoss AS7 instance

Primary LanguageClojure


This project features a means to overlay modules and their xml config atop an existing JBoss AS7 instance. This enables TorqueBox and Immutant to be merged into a single application server capable of deploying both Ruby and Clojure applications, for example.


Clone the overlay repository. From within the repo, run lein overlay $JBOSS_DIR $OVERLAY_SOURCE_DIR.

overlay.core/-main takes 2 params that should eventually resolve to two local filesystem paths: a layee and a layer. The latter overlays the former so the desired result will reside beneath the path to the layee, i.e. the first param.

It is convenient to download and extract a specific distribution by simply omitting the second param.

Anything downloaded will be extracted beneath target/.

The specifications of layee and layer may be one of the following:

  • A local path to a jboss, torquebox, or immutant installation
  • A URL to a zipped distro: it'll be fetched and extracted to target/
  • A descriptor in the following form: app[-version]

Currently, only 'immutant' and 'torquebox' are supported as values for 'app', and version defaults to the latest incremental. You can specify a specific incremental build number or released version. Incremental build numbers are available from http://repository-project.forge.cloudbees.com/incremental/ or from http://torquebox.org/2x/builds/ and http://immutant.org/builds/

So to download the latest torquebox and overlay it with the latest immutant:

$ lein overlay torquebox immutant

If you already have two installations of an AS7-based app server, you can overlay the modules/config of one on the other like so:

$ lein overlay /path/to/torquebox /path/to/immutant



If you know the URL for a zipped archive, you may pass that as the first parameter:

$ lein overlay http://repository-torquebox.forge.cloudbees.com/incremental/torquebox/LATEST/torquebox-dist-bin.zip

The output from the run indicates the resulting path of the overlaid distribution.


Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Jim Crossley Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.