A tool to help efficiently focus windows in Sway inspired by i3-easyfocus.
The config file is found at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sway-easyfocus/config.yaml
If a key is not found in the config file nor provided as a cli option, then it uses a default value.
An example config is with the default options is shown below:
chars: 'fjghdkslaemuvitywoqpcbnxz'
window_background_color: '1d1f21'
window_background_opacity: 0.2
label_background_color: '1d1f21'
label_background_opacity: 1.0
label_text_color: 'c5c8c6'
focused_background_color: '285577'
focused_background_opacity: 1.0
focused_text_color: 'ffffff'
font_family: monospace
font_weight: bold
font_size: medium
label_padding_x: 4
label_padding_y: 0
label_margin_x: 4
label_margin_y: 2
A tool to help efficiently focus windows in Sway inspired by i3-easyfocus.
Usage: sway-easyfocus [OPTIONS]
--chars <CHARS>
list of chars to use for hints <fjghdkslaemuvitywoqpcbnxz>
--window-background-color <WINDOW_BACKGROUND_COLOR>
set the window background color <rrggbb>
--window-background-opacity <WINDOW_BACKGROUND_OPACITY>
set the window background opacity <0-1.0>
--label-background-color <LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR>
set the label background color <rrggbb>
--label-background-opacity <LABEL_BACKGROUND_OPACITY>
set the label background opacity <0-1.0>
--label-text-color <LABEL_TEXT_COLOR>
set the label text color <rrggbb>
--focused-background-color <FOCUSED_BACKGROUND_COLOR>
set the label background color <rrggbb>
--focused-background-opacity <FOCUSED_BACKGROUND_OPACITY>
set the focused background opacity <0-1.0>
--focused-text-color <FOCUSED_TEXT_COLOR>
set the focused text color <rrggbb>
--font-family <FONT_FAMILY>
set the font family
--font-weight <FONT_WEIGHT>
set the font weight
--font-size <FONT_SIZE>
set the font size, see: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#font-size-prop
--label-padding-x <LABEL_PADDING_X>
set the label padding-x <px>
--label-padding-y <LABEL_PADDING_Y>
set the label padding-y <px>
--label-margin-x <LABEL_MARGIN_X>
set the label margin-x <px>
--label-margin-y <LABEL_MARGIN_Y>
set the label margin-y <px>
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
This program is written in Rust. The Rust compiler can be installed by following the instructions on the official download page.
You also need to have gtk
and gtk-layer-shell
# Clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/edzdez/sway-easyfocus.git
# Build with cargo
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/sway-easyfocus
# Alternatively, build and run in one step
$ cargo run --release