- Codecademy Python (30 minutes)
- Corey Schafer: Strings (20 minutes)
- Practice (10 minutes)
- CodeWars (25 minutes)
- Corey Schafer: Ints and floats
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Lists, Tuples and Sets
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Book: Lean Python - Chapter 1-3
- Codecademy Python
- Corey Schafer: Conditionals
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Loops
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Functions
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Book: Lean Python - Chapter 4-6
- Corey Schafer: Import modules
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: PIP package mangement
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Virtual environments
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Book: Lean Python - Chapter 7-9
- Corey Schafer: Variable scope
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Slicing lists and strings
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Sorting lists, tuples and objects
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Book: Lean Python - Chapter 9-12
- Corey Schafer: String formatting
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: OS module
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Datetime module
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: File objects
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Automate parsing and renaming
- Practice
- Corey Schafer: Generate random numbers
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: CSV module
- Practice
- Corey Schafer: Parse names from CSV module
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: How to write and match regular expressions
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Try/except blocks
- Practice
- Corey Schafer: Duck typing
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Generators
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Decorators
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Named tuples
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python OOP 1 - Classes
- Corey Schafer: Python OOP 2 - Class variables
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python OOP 3 - Class methods
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python OOP 4 - Inheritance
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python OOP 5 - Special methods
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python OOP 6 - Setters and getters
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Web Scraping
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Working with JSON data
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Calculate number of days
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Context managers
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: str() vs repr()
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python SQLite
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Logging basics
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Logging advanced
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Hiding passwords + _name
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Unit testing
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Preparing for Python interview
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python Flask 1
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python Flask 2
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python Flask 3
- Practice
- CodeWars
- Corey Schafer: Python Flask 4
- Practice
- CodeWars