
Bazel workflows for the roboRIO and WPILib

Primary LanguageStarlarkMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of bazel utilities for FRC


You can include BazelRIO in your project like so:

    name = "bazelrio",
    url = "https://github.com/bazelRio/bazelRio/archive/refs/tags/0.10.0.zip",
    sha256 = "18b109dbd5204910600823e6c9ff405fa7ed7c43d0a78f24077f8187311745a9",
    strip_prefix = "bazelRio-0.10.0/bazelrio",

load("@bazelrio//:deps.bzl", "setup_bazelrio_dependencies")


load("@bazelrio//:defs.bzl", "setup_bazelrio")


You must copy the .bazelrc file from the C++ or Java example into your project workspace and update your BUILD and WORKSPACE files in the same fashion.


Support matrix

Language Compilation Simulation Deployment
C++ 🟢 🟢 🟢
Java 🟢 🔴 🟢
Kotlin 🟢 🔴 🟢
Python 🔴 🔴 🔴

Cross compilation

BazelRIO provides a RoboRIO target for easy cross-compilation.

bazel build <target> --platforms=@bazelrio//platforms/roborio

BazelRIO will automatically download an official roboRIO toolchain (from WPILib) for your host OS and use it.

Robot code rules

BazelRIO provides rules for robot code targets of multiple languages.


load("@bazelrio//:defs.bzl", "robot_cc_binary")

    name = "hello",
    team_number = 1337,
    srcs = ["hello.cpp"],

BazelRIO will create a cc_binary target named hello, as well as a special target named hello.deploy that can be used to deploy your binary:

bazel run //:hello.deploy --platforms=@bazelrio//platforms/roborio
Attempting to connect to roborio-1337-frc.local...
Connected to roborio-1337-frc.local.
Attempting to deploy bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/hello...
Deployed bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/hello. Exiting.

Java / Kotlin

    name = "hello",
    main_class = "frc.robot.Main",
    team_number = 1337,
    runtime_deps = [

BazelRIO will create a java_binary target named hello, as well as a special target named hello.deploy that can be used to deploy your binary. If you are using Kotlin, you must build your code as a kt_jvm_library and add it to runtime_deps, rather than adding Kotlin files directly to srcs.


BazelRIO containts library targets for WPILib and some vendor libraries:

  • @bazelrio//libraries/cpp/wpilib/wpilibc
  • @bazelrio//libraries/java/wpilib/wpilibj
  • @bazelrio//libraries/cpp/ctre/phoenix
  • @bazelrio//libraries/cpp/rev/sparkmax
  • @bazelrio//libraries/cpp/rev/revlib
  • @bazelrio//libraries/cpp/rev/colorsensor
  • @bazelrio//libraries/cpp/kauailabs/navx


Simulations (alongside halsim extensions) are supported! Take a look at the C++ example to get started.