
Toolkit for analyzing Cluster Monte Carlo output for star cluster simulation. Accompanies Rui et al. 2021, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abed49. The Zenodo link can be found here: https://zenodo.org/record/4579951#.Yg8bQO7MLDI

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


cmctoolkit is a set of python methods for analyzing the output of Cluster Monte Carlo (CMC), a star cluster simulation code (Pattabiraman et al. 2013). The methods are structured around a Snapshot class. These functions are provided to supplement the upcoming release of CMC, as well as the recent release of the CMC Cluster Catalog, a grid of globular cluster models using CMC (Kremer et al. 2020). We include in this directory also a Jupyter notebook (examples.ipynb) to demonstrate its use, as well as files containing the simulated V-band surface brightness profile (SBP####.txt), 1D velocity dispersion profile (VDP####.txt), and miscellaneous other parameters described below (PARAM####.txt).

This set of functions accompanies Rui et al. 2021 (doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abed49), on matching observed globular clusters to models in the CMC Cluster Catalog. The Zenodo link can be found here: https://zenodo.org/record/4579951#.Yg8bQO7MLDI

If you find this package helpful to your research, please include citations to the paper and package, e.g., below:

• Rui, N. Z., Kremer, K., Weatherford, N. C., et al. 2021, ApJ, 912, 102

• Rui, N. Z., Kremer, K., Weatherford, N. C., et al. 2021, NicholasRui/cmctoolkit: First Release, 1.0, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4579950

Model Data

We have included in the "CMC" directory of this repository a SBP####.txt, VDP####.txt, and PARAM####.txt corresponding to every snapshot in all 148 models in the CMC Cluster Catalog for which the snapshot time is >10 Gyr, as well as for all extra models run to fit NGC 6624 better (see Rui et al., Section 3.7). The latter are filed under the subdirectory "CMC/NGC6624/".

Contents of SBP####.txt and VDP####.txt

The SBP####.txt and VDP####.txt files contain the instantaneous surface brightness profile (SBP) and one-dimensional velocity dispersion profile (VDP), respectively. The SBP####.txt file contains two columns, where the first is the radius in arcsec when viewed from 10 pc, where the small-angle approximation has been made so that scaling to an arbitrary heliocentric distance is convenient. The second column contains the surface brightness in mag/arcsec^2 (this is invariant with distance). The VDP####.txt file contains three columns, the first is the radius in pc, the second is the velocity dispersion in km/s, and the third is the uncertainty in the velocity dispersion (also in km/s), computed as the velocity dispersion divided by sqrt(2 * typical number of stars in the annulus).

Contents of PARAM####.txt

The PARAM####.txt gives for each model a list of interesting parameters/properties, described below. Some parameters are given as nan when a meaningful value cannot be assigned (e.g., the velocity dispersion of black holes in a cluster with no black holes).

SSE startypes

The keywords in PARAM####.txt sometimes make reference to startypes from the single-star evolution (SSE) prescription from Hurley et al. 2000. We reproduce here the meaning of all startype numbers.

0 • MS star M ≲ 0.7 deeply or fully convective

1 • MS star M ≳ 0.7

2 • Hertzsprung Gap (HG)

3 • First Giant Branch (GB)

4 • Core Helium Burning (CHeB)

5 • Early Asymptotic Giant Branch (EAGB)

6 • Thermally Pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch (TPAGB)

7 • Naked Helium Star MS (HeMS)

8 • Naked Helium Star Hertzsprung Gap (HeHG)

9 • Naked Helium Star Giant Branch (HeGB)

10 • Helium White Dwarf (HeWD)

11 • Carbon/Oxygen White Dwarf (COWD)

12 • Oxygen/Neon White Dwarf (ONeWD)

13 • Neutron Star (NS)

14 • Black Hole (BH)

15 • massless remnant

Bulk cluster properties

Ltot: Total cluster luminosity (Lsun)

Mbh: Total mass in black holes (Msun)

Mstar: Total mass in stars (SSE startypes 0-9)

Mtot: Total cluster mass (Msun)

age: Age of the cluster (Gyr)

Stellar populations

N_() describes a family of keywords for the number of a given SSE startype inside our simulation. For example, the keyword N_13 refers to the total number of all neutron stars in the cluster.

mmax_() describes a family of keywords for the maximum mass of a given SSE startype in the cluster. For example, the keyword mmax_14 refers to the mass of the most massive black hole in the cluster.

mmin_() describes a family of keywords for the minimum mass of a given SSE startype in the cluster.

Nobj: Number of objects (sum of total number of single stars and binary stars, with a binary system corresponding to two objects)

Nstar: Number of stars (SSE startypes 0-9)

Nsys: Number of systems (sum of total number of single stars and binary systems, with a binary system corresponding to one system)

Nlum: Number of luminous systems, i.e., the sum of all single stars and all binaries with at least one star in them

Nmsp: Number of millisecond pulsars (neutron stars with periods <10 ms)

min_ns_per: Minimum neutron star period (s)


Nbin_()_() describes a family of keywords for the number of binaries consisting of members from two different SSE startypes (with the higher number listed first). For example, the keyword Nbin_10_0 corresponds to all low-mass main-sequence stars in a binary with a He WD, and Nbin_14_14 corresponds to all BH-BH binaries.

Nbint_()_on_() describes a family of keywords for mass-transferring binaries from some specified SSE startypes, with the first listed startype accreting onto the second. For example, the keyword Nbint_1_on_13 corresponds to all high-mass main-sequence stars accreting onto neutron stars.

Nbin: Number of binary systems

Nbinl: Number of binary systems where at least one of the objects is a star (SSE startypes 0-9)

Nbins: Number of binary systems where both objects are stars (SSE startypes 0-9)

Nbinr: Number of binary systems where at least one of the objects is a remnant (WD, NS, or BH; SSE startypes 10-14)

Nbint: Number of mass-transferring binaries

Velocity dispersion

sig_() describes a family of keywords for the velocity dispersion of a given SSE startype. For example, the keyword sig_3 describes the velocity dispersion of red giants on the first red giant branch.

sig: Cluster velocity dispersion (km/s)

sig_ms: Velocity dispersion of main sequence stars (km/s; SSE startypes 0-1)

sig_star: Velocity dispersion of stars (km/s; SSE startypes 0-9)

Description of Snapshot Class

Snapshot class for snapshot file, usually something like 'initial.snap0137.dat.gz', paired alongside conversion file and, preferably, distance and metallicity.


fname: str filename of snapshot

conv: str, dict, or pd.DataFrame if str, filename of unitfile (e.g., initial.conv.sh) if dict, dictionary of unit conversion factors if pd.DataFrame, table corresponding to initial.conv.sh

age: float age of the cluster at the time of the snapshot in Myr

dist: float (default: None) distance to cluster in kpc

z: float (default: None) cluster metallicity


data: pd.DataFrame snapshot table

unitdict: dict Dictionary containing unit conversion information

snapshot_name: str key name for h5 snapshots; if unspecified, defaults to the last snapshot

dist: float (None) distance to cluster in kpc

filtertable: pd.DataFrame table containing information about all filter for which photometry exists


Described below are the methods of the Snapshot object.


Converts an array from CODE units to 'unit' using conversion factors specified in unitfile.

Note: 's_' preceding an out_unit refers to 'stellar' quantities. 'nb_' refers to n-body units. Without these tags, it is presumed otherwise.


arr: array-like array to be converted

in_unit: str (default: 'code') unit from which arr is to be converted

out_unit: str (default: 'code') unit to which arr is to be converted


converted: array-like converted array


Helper method to return a boolean array where a given set of cuts are satisfied.


min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

dmin: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars outside this projected radius

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars inside this projected radius

max_lum: float (default: None) IF specified, only include stars below this luminosity [LSUN]

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None


good: array-like of bool boolean array specifying where cuts are satisfied


Function which, assuming black-body behavior, assigns observed magnitudes to stars in desired filters

For each filter, adds the following columns (# = filter name): absMag_#: absolute magnitude in filter # for single (np.nan for binary or black hole) bin_absMag0_#: absolute magnitude in filter # for first star in binary (np.nan for single or black hole) bin_absMag1_#: absolute magnitude in filter # for second star in binary (np.nan for single or black hole) tot_absMag_#: total magnitude in filter #, same as absMag_# for singles and is the magnitude sum of a binary pair if binary

If distance is given, also add: obsMag_#: observed magnitude in filter # for single (np.nan for binary or black hole) bin_obsMag0_#: observed magnitude in filter # for first star in binary (np.nan for single or black hole) bin_obsMag1_#: observed magnitude in filter # for second star in binary (np.nan for single or black hole) tot_obsMag_#: total observed magnitude in filter #, same as absMag_# for singles and is the magnitude sum of a binary pair if binary


filttable: str or pd.DataFrame if str, path to filter table if pd.DataFrame, table containing information about filters (see function: load_filtertable)




Appends to a snapshot table a column projecting stellar positions onto the 2-dimensional plane of the sky (with randomly generated angles). This adds a column 'd' which is the projected radius.

Adds the following columns: d : Projected radial distance (code units) x, y, z: Projected x, y, z coordinates (code units) vx, vy, vz: Projected x, y, z components of velocity (code units) vd: Projected radial component of velocity (code units) va: Projected azimuthal component of velocity (code units) r[PC] : Radial distance (pc) d[PC] : Projected radial distance (pc) x[PC], y[PC], z[PC]: Projected x, y, z coordinates (pc) vx[KM/S], vy[KM/S], vz[KM/S]: Projected x, y, z components of velocity (km/s) vd[KM/S]: Projected radial component of velocity (km/s) va[KM/S]: Projected azimuthal component of velocity (km/s)


seed: int (default: None) random seed, if None then don't set a seed




Calculate the effective temperature Teff for every (non-BH) star in the catalog.

Adds the following columns: Teff[K] : Effective temperature of a single star, np.nan for a binary or black hole bin_Teff0[K] : Effective temperature for first star in a binary, np.nan for a single or black hole bin_Teff1[K] : Effective temperature for second star in a binary, np.nan for a single or black hole






Adds surface gravity columns to snapshot table.

Adds the following columns: g[CM/S] : Surface gravity of a single star, np.nan for a binary bin_g0[CM/S] : Surface gravity for first star in a binary, np.nan for a single bin_g1[CM/S] : Surface gravity for second star in a binary, np.nan for a single






Creates a spatial density profile.


bin_edges: array-like Bin edges of radial density profile (if None, make 100 bins from min to max, logarithmic spacing)

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list


bin_edges: array-like Bin edges

profile: array-like Number density in each annulus

e_profile: array-like Poisson error in number density in each annulus


Calculate velocity dispersion in km/s.


min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

dmin: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars outside this projected radius

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars inside this projected radius

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list


veldisp: float Velocity dispersion (km/s)

e_veldisp: float Uncertainty in velocity dispersion (km/s)


Calculate velocity dispersion in km/s.


bin_edges: array-like (default: None) Bin edges of mass function (if None, make 100 bins from min to max, logarithmic spacing)

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list


bin_edges: array-like Bin edges of mass function (pc)

veldisp_profile: array-like Velocity dispersion profile (km/s)

e_veldisp_profile: array-like Uncertainty in velocity dispersion profile (km/s)


Creates a mass function.


bin_edges: array-like Bin edges of mass function (if None, make 100 bins from min to max, logarithmic spacing)

dmin: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars outside this projected radius

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars inside this projected radius

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list


bin_edges: array-like Bin edges

mf: array-like Mass function

e_mf: array-like Mass function uncertainty


Fits the mass function slope in a bin-independent way.


init_guess: float (default: 2.35) initial guess for the power law slope (if unspecified, guess Salpeter)

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

dmin: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars outside this projected radius

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars inside this projected radius

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list


alpha: float Converged value for mass function slope (if failed fit, returns np.nan)


Creates smoothed number density profile by smearing out stars probabilistically.


bins: int (default: 80) number of bins used for number density profile

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list

min_logr: float (default: -1.5) Minimum logarithmic radius in parsec


bin_center: array-like radial points at which profile is evaluated (in pc)

profile: array-like array of number densities

e_profile: array-like uncertainty in number density


Creates smoothed surface brightness profile by smearing out stars probabilistically.


filtname: str filter name

bins: int (default: 80) number of bins used for number density profile

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

max_lum: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this luminosity [LSUN]

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list

min_logr: float (default: -1.5) Minimum logarithmic radius in parsec


bin_center: array-like radial points at which profile is evaluated (in arcsec)

profile: array-like array of surface brightness values (mag arcsec^-2)


Creates smoothed velocity dispersion profile by smearing out stars probabilistically.


bins: int (default: 80) number of bins used for number density profile

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, the outermost bin boundary is this value (otherwise, it's the max radial value)

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list

min_logr: float (default: -1.5) Minimum logarithmic radius in parsec


bin_center: array-like radial points at which profile is evaluated (in pc)

veldisp_profile: array-like array of velocity dispersions (in km/s)

e_veldisp_profile: array-like uncertainty in velocity dispersions (in km/s)


Calculate radius enclosing some percentage of mass/light by probabilistically binning stars and interpolating the CDF


enclosed_frac: float between 0 and 1, exclusive (default: 0.5) fraction of enclosed mass at which radius is desired

qty: str, either 'mass' or 'light' (default: mass) depending on option, either calculates half-mass or half-light radius

bins: int (default: 80) number of bins used for number density profile

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list


rhm: float half-mass radius


Calculate the binary fraction subject to some cuts.


min_q: float (default: None) If specified, only report binary fraction for binaries with q > qmin.

max_q: float (default: None) If specified, only report binary fraction for binaries with q < qmax.

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

dmin: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars outside this projected radius. This is not done by random projection.

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars inside this projected radius. This is not done by random projection.

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list for consideration

bin_startypes: array-like (default: startype_star) If specified, only include startypes in this list as binaries


binfrac: float Binary fraction, defined as the fraction of detectable point sources which are actually binary systems (!= fraction of stars in binaries).

e_binfrac: float Error in the binary fraction, assuming Poissoninan counting error.


Calculate the binary fraction subject to some cuts. Use cuts on the CMD.


filttable: pd.DataFrame table containing information about filter functions

mag_filter: str (default: None) Filter name for the "mag filter" (y-axis of CMD)

blue_filter: str (default: None) Filter name for the "blue filter"

red_filter: str (default: None) Filter name for the "red filter"

min_q: float (default: None) If specified, only report binary fraction for binaries with q > qmin.

max_q: float (default: None) If specified, only report binary fraction for binaries with q < qmax.

min_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars above this mass

max_mass: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars below this mass

dmin: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars outside this projected radius. This is not done by random projection.

dmax: float (default: None) If specified, only include stars inside this projected radius. This is not done by random projection.

fluxdict: dict (default: None) If specified, makes upper and lower (observed) magnitude cuts in certain filters Should be in the following format: {'filtname1': [faint1, brite1], 'filtname2': [faint1, brite1], ...}

If you don't have a cut, put None

primary_flux_faint: float (default: None) If specified, makes faint magnitude cut in the magnitude filter only to the primary star, not the whole system. This is used to more closely match the cuts applied to the ACS Globular Cluster Survey in Milone et al. 2012.

Give in absolute magnitude.

primary_flux_brite: float (default: None) If specified, makes brite magnitude cut in the magnitude filter only to the primary star, not the whole system. This is used to more closely match the cuts applied to the ACS Globular Cluster Survey in Milone et al. 2012.

Cuts on mag filter, interpolates wrt. blue_filter-red_filter color, cut between faint_mag and brite_mag. Note: You're probably not intending to use both this argument and fluxdict.

Give in absolute magnitude.

color_pad: float (default: 0.1) To be considered as a single star or binary of interest, enforce that a source is at most this many magnitudes redder than the turnoff. To remove, set to None.


binfrac: float Binary fraction, defined as the fraction of detectable point sources which are actually binary systems (!= fraction of stars in binaries).

e_binfrac: float Error in the binary fraction, assuming Poissoninan counting error.


A function to identify observationally realistic blue stragglers. Procedure is to locate all stars brighter than the turn-off magnitude and bluer than the turnoff color optionally padded by some amount. Additionally, blue stragglers are restricted to singles which are main sequence or binaries containing at least one main sequence star and no giant (where such binaries are counted as a single star).


mag_filter: str (default: None) Filter name for the "mag filter" (y-axis of CMD)

blue_filter: str (default: None) Filter name for the "blue filter"

red_filter: str (default: None) Filter name for the "red filter"

color_pad: float (default: 0.1) To be counted as an "observational" blue straggler, a system must be bluer than the turn-off color by at least color_pad.


bs_cat: pd.DataFrame Blue straggler catalog