Nginx Deployment CLI Tool

A command-line tool written in Go to deploy Nginx server on a Kubernetes cluster.


  • Deploy Nginx server to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Scale the number of replicas
  • Set the version of Nginx deployed
  • Authentication using a kubeconfig file


  • Go installed on your system
  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Knowledge of your cluster's kubeconfig file path


Clone the repository:

git clone

Build the binary:

cd ibm-assessment
go build -o dist/deploynginx main.go


./dist/deploynginx --version <nginx_version> --scale <replica_count> --kubeconfig </path/to/kubeconfig> --namespace <namespace>
  • --version: Version of Nginx to deploy.
  • --scale: Number of replicas to scale to.
  • --kubeconfig: Path to kubeconfig file.
  • --namespace: Kubernetes namespace to deploy into (optional, defaults to "default").


./dist/deploynginx --version 1.13.10 --scale 3 --kubeconfig /Users/sharath/.kube/config

This command will deploy Nginx server with version 1.13.10, scale the number of replicas to 3, using the provided kubeconfig file, and deploy it into the default namespace.


To run tests, use the following command:

go test -v ./...