
"Dont let lifes distractions get in the way"

Read a Dostoyevsky novel in its original russian --> by the time i die Learn Portuguese --> next year VERSION 1

Rosebud - What reminds you of your childhood

voting --> best car of the 80s etc

First nav bar -- Decades (or like late 80s/early 90s etc)

Second nav bar -- year in decade

3rd navbar -- categories (tv, music, film, gadgets, cars, toys, fashion etc)

List thing which gets ranked up (or down) based on how much it reminds people of that era


Different font and background for each decade

80s late 70s/early 80s | early 80s | mid-80s | late 80s | late 80s/early 90s 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 music | tv | film | fashion | cars | gadgets | pop-culture~ 9 by 9 grid with image and quick name and vote count click grid gives sidebar details can go to image and give comments rating etc