
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Notes on using Docker

Starting the Docker Daemon


  1. Install the Docker desktop app (apparently necessary to run the Docker daemon)
brew install --cask docker

The desktop app also provides the docker command-line utility, located at /usr/local/bin/docker.

  1. Run the Docker desktop app





Building the Image

Run the following command from instide the ubuntu-mpc folder:

docker build --no-cache -t ubuntu-mpc:latest .

Running a Container and Getting a Command Prompt

docker run -it -h my_project --entrypoint /bin/bash ubuntu-mpc:latest

Here, my_project becomes the "host" name while the container is running (useful to remember what prompt we are looking at).

Mounting a Local Folder or Docker Volume

If /local/folder already exists on the user's disk,

docker run -it -h my_project --entrypoint /bin/bash -v local/folder:/var/lib/external-drive ubuntu-mpc:latest

While the container is running, anything written to /var/lib/external-drive will persist and be stored under /local/folder.

A similar effect can be achieved with Docker volumes, which are Docker-specific folders that can be used to hold data related to containers (as opposed to a local folder, that would typically hold data related to the user's host system):

docker volume create mpc-092023-00064  # TE data related to this submission
docker run -it -h my_project --entrypoint /bin/bash -v mpc-092023-00064:/var/lib/external-drive ubuntu-mpc:latest

When the user exits the container, then runs it again, anything written to /var/lib/external-drive is still there, but is not part of the container itself.