
Launch Vimclojure nailgun server for a Leiningen project.

Primary LanguageClojure

Warning: Don't Use This

This project isn't supported for general use. (I use it to install the plugin locally, & I don't push anything to Clojars.) A better choice for a lein vimclojure plugin is lein-tarsier, which is actively developed & supported.


Leiningen plugin for launching a Vimclojure nailgun server. The version number of lein-vimclojure corresponds to the version of Vimclojure it launches.


If on lein 2, add

[org.clojars.pjt/vimclojure "2.3.1"]

to your :plugins list in your :user profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj.

If on lein 1, run

lein plugin install org.clojars.pjt/vimclojure "2.3.1"

To start the server, call

lein vimclojure &

within your project's directory.