
CUDA labs and final project parallelizing Quick Hull algorithm to GPU.

Primary LanguageC++


GPU Computing Labs


Exercies on how to use Nvidia GPUs using CUDA and learn optimization methods specific for GPU-parallelized computing.

How to run?

In each chapter folder, there is a readme.md file explaining on how to build and run the template files for each lab.



  • Use CUDA APIs to implement vector addition
  • Learn basic transfer of data between CPU and GPU and memory allocation


  • Implement tiled dense matrix multiplication using CUDA
  • Learn how to allocate memory on GPU and transfer data between GPU and CPU
  • Use shared memory to optimize computation and memory latency
  • Find the difference of performance on usage of shared memory


  • Use pinned memory with CUDA streams by implementing vector addition
  • Benchmark the performance on the usage of CUDA streams by hiding memory latency


  • Apply convolution to a ppm image using CUDA APIs
  • Find overhead in using output tiling algorithm
  • Evaluate performance of output tiling algorithm with different tiling sizes including extreme ones


  • Perform Histogram Reduction using CUDA APIs
  • Learn how to use atomics for memory address in GPU through CUDA memory APIs
  • Analyze performance impact of using atomics


  • Implement 1D inclusive parallel scan using CUDA and work-efficient algorithm (Brent-Kung)
  • Learn the restriction of the algorithm based on the commutative feature of binary operator for scan


  • Implement sparse matrix-vector (SPMV) mutiplication using CUDA and a transposed JDS (Jagged Diagonal Sparse) formatted matrix
  • Implement the conversion from 2D array to JDS-formatted matrix using C++ and STL vector
  • Compare the performance difference of the kernel between the version using shared memory and not using shared memory


  • Compare the performance between the serial (CPU) and parallel verions of Quick Hull algorithm for Convex Hull problem.
  • Introduced parallelized sorting, reduction, and computation to reduce the runtime of the algorithm
  • Check submodule for more information