
Algorithm problem solutions for acmicpc.net Level 40/53

Primary LanguageC++

BOJ algorithm problems solutions

This repository aggregates the solutions that I posted on BOJ acmicpc.net

Primarily using C++, but I use Python and Rust occasionally.


Currently solving level 44 / 53 (DP4)

Topics (but not limited to):

  1. Loops
  2. Strings
  3. 2D Arrays
  4. Sorting
  5. Recursion
  6. DP
  7. Greedy
  8. Divide and Conquer
  9. Graphs
  10. Union Find
  11. Tree DP
  12. String Algorithm (KMP, ...)
  13. SCC
  14. Swiping

For more details: BOJ levels

Future plans

Solve levels on solved.ac

Get Rusty!!