
Creating chrome extension to make every website have dark mode

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extension to change any webpage to dark mode

How to install -fork this repository. -open chrome://extensions in chrome -enable developer mode -click on Load Unpacked -select the forked repository "ChromeExtension" folder -chrome extension is installed!! -if you just want to install this extension you can drag drop the ChromeExtension.crx file on chrome://extensions page

Objectives -First to change the color of the background -use ctrl+alt+d to toggle between modes -add a panel to switch between different colors -show live change in color of background -auto detection of time for and therefore applying different background color

New -Can probably be done using tab chrome.tabs.executeScript, injects JavaScript code into the page for details- https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/tabs#method-executeScript -chrome.tabs.query( ), gets tabs that have specified properties, or all tabs if no property specififed -find about webview