
A mern stack web application that allows fitness coaches to keep track of their client's workouts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A MERN stack web application that allows fitness coaches to keep track of their client's workouts

Problem Statement

To develop an ‘Online exercise tracker’ web application which enables fitness coaches to keep track of their client’s workout sessions and keep track of multiple users, which helps the coaches maintain multiple records in an easy and efficient way.

Problem Solution

The proposed system would contain facilities to create a user, create an exercise log with the description of the exercise along with the duration and date, and will also allow modifying details of the entry and the option of deleting an entry in the log. This web app displays all the entries on the home page, preventing the hassle of remembering each client’s previous workout sessions and in turn enabling the coach to be more efficient and handle more clients.


• Creating users- A database will be maintained to register new users when the ‘create user’ button is clicked. [MongoDB]

• Creating exercise log- when the ‘create exercise log’ button is clicked, the entry is saved to the database.

• Facility to create users, create exercise logs, edit and delete entries.


  • Ragghav Ramakrishnan

  • Pradish Kapur

  • Pranav Jain

  • Prithvi Sunilkumar