
Examples covering JUnit, TDD and Mockito framework.

Primary LanguageJava

Things you will need to run

Derby DB

Setting up Maven 

1. Download Maven from http://maven.apache.org/ 
2. Once installed, set MVN_HOME to the path where you've installed it 
3. Add $MVN_HOME/bin to your PATH variable 
4. To compile code, use mvn compile

Setting up Derby DB Network Server (For in-memory DB setup, please see next section) 

1. Download Derby DB binaries from http://db.apache.org/ 
2. Once installed, set DERBY_HOME to the path where you've installed it 
3. Add $DERBY_HOME/bin to your PATH variable 
4. Launch the Derby Network Server by launching the script $DERBY_HOME/bin/startNetworkServer 
5. In another window, type "ij" 
6. Enter the following command ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/mockitoDB;create=true';

Setting up Derby DB in memory 

1. To use an in-memory DB instead of a network server modify this line in CustomerDao.java

private static String persistenceType = "persistence-network";
private static String persistenceType = "persistence-memory";

insert.sql has the SQL queries to create tables and add initial data