onlineShopping Using React JS

To check the screens:

  1. Deployement Link:

  2. Either Login with: Email: Password: 12345678

  3. Or create your account and then Login

  4. Login/SignUp -> Home Screen (sections) -> Subsections -> Cart -> Checkout -> Order Placed.

Go through code:

  1. Import the project
  2. Run 'npm install'

Libraries imported:

  1. react-router-dom
  2. react-router
  3. react-redux
  4. @reduxjs/toolkit

What you learn this Basic Shopping App:

  1. Redux with its latest library @reduxjs/toolkit
  2. Routing: Redeirect, Routing, Switch, BrowserRouter
  3. useHooks:
    1. useState
    2. useSelector
    3. useDispatch
    4. useHistory
    5. useForm
    6. useEffect