Steps to use API's {} => variable;

steps to use api

url:'/employee',       method:'GET',   function 'gives out the list of employees stored in database'
url: '/employee/{id}', method:'POST',  function:'returns the employee details of id mentioned in url    
url: '/employee/',     method:'POST'   function:'Creates new employee'

#accepted parameters

Parameters Datatype Comments

    name                        String          na
    joiningDate                 string          should be of form yyyy-mm-dd
    gender                      string          accepted values MALE,FEMALE
    leavesCarriedFromLastYear   int             if any leaves are carried from last year update this variable

4)url: '/employee/{id}', method:'PUT'      function: Updates the employee data

note:same params as the post but you cannot update name and id of employee

   5)url: '/employee/{id}' method: 'DELETE'    function: deletes the employee 
   6)url: '/employee/{id}/workedhours' method:'POST' function:used to log hours for compoff

#accpeted parameters

parameters datatype Comments

    from                    string              should be of type "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
    to                      string              should be of type "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"

saves only if the working day is holiday and working hours is more than 8

7)url: '/employee/{id}/leavebalance/' method:'get' function:gives the leavebalance of employee as of today

#Meaning of parameters returned

Parameters              Comments
id                      id of the employee
name                    name of the employee
noOfLeavesTaken         leaves taken by employee on this calender year
gender                  gives the gender of employee
leavesTakenFrom         start date of approved leaves for this calender year
leavesTakenTill         end date of approved leaves foe this calender year
compoff                 information about available compoff and when did the employee work to earn the compoff
joiningDate             date on which employee joined hashedin
optionalLeaves          information about optional leaves i.e info about how many employe has taken and when
noOfMaternityLeavesTaken self explainatory
maternityLeaveFrom      info about recent maternity leave that has been taken
leavesCarriedFromLastYear self explainatory

#Apply leave API

1) url:'/leave/apply' method:'POST'  function:'to apply leave'

parameters datatype comments

    startDate               string          format "yyyy-mm-dd"
    endDate                 string          format "yyyy-mm-dd"
    types                   string          type of leave accepted values "MATERNITY","SABBATICAL","PATERNITY","COMP_OFF"
                                            by default leave type will be normal
    empId                   int             id of the employee applying for leave
    requestedDate           string          format "yyyy-mm-dd" by default date will be current date
                                            date on which leave was requested