
Mute a video when it changes over to ads using computer vision and hacks

Primary LanguagePython



Consume a video stream (usually of a news feed) and automatically send a mute command to MPV when a specified pattern leaves the screen. Powered by OpenCV, ffmpeg, and hacked together in a weekend.



Python: youtube-dl, opencv-python, scikit-image

C: gcc/clang

ffmpeg must also be on your $PATH


Python: matplotlib (for running recognitiontest.py)


$ git clone https://github.com/quadnix/adstrip
$ cd adstrip
$ virtualenv -p python3 env_adstrip
$ source env_adstrip/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ make

On macOS with Homebrew:

$ brew install mpv ffmpeg --verbose

This should make sure that these are on your $PATH.


No windows support right now.


Install mpv and ffmpeg with the package manager for your distro. You chose to run Linux, you're smart enough to figure this one out.


usage: adstrip.py [-h] [-u URL] [-i] [-o] -p PATH [PATH ...]
                  [--ring-size RING_SIZE] [--ring-loc RING_LOC]
                  [--frame-loc FRAME_LOC] [--mpv-ipc-loc MPV_IPC_LOC]

automatically sift through an MP4 (or other) stream, detect advertising, and
issue mute commands to a player

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     the source youtube url
  -i, --stdin           read from stdin, overrides -u
  -o, --stdout          dump output to stdout
  -p PATH [PATH ...], --patterns PATH [PATH ...]
                        patterns to use
  --ring-size RING_SIZE
                        ring buffer size, in MB or KB
  --ring-loc RING_LOC   ring buffer location on disk
  --frame-loc FRAME_LOC
                        extracted frame location
  --mpv-ipc-loc MPV_IPC_LOC
                        mpv ipc socket file location


Use an existing file:

$ cat movie.mp4 | ./adstrip.py --stdin -p patterns/pat.png

Get a stream from youtube from stdin:

$ youtube-dl -f best -q -o - "https://youtube.com/watch?v=0123456789" | ./adstrip.py --stdin -p patterns/pat.png

Get a stream from youtube from adstrip internal:

$ ./adstrip.py -u "https://youtube.com/watch?v=0123456789" -p patterns/pat.png

Stream output to MPV separately:

$ ./adstrip.py -u "https://youtube.com/watch?v=0123456789" --stdout --mpv-ipc-loc /tmp/mpv_ipc -p patterns/pat.png | mpv --input-ipc-server /tmp/mpv_ipc -