
expose a root terminal to the world, "safely"

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a hacky terminal running in browser, connected to a docker backend


watch the demo


This is probably not that great and has very little security whatsoever. I have not attempted any sort of authentication past the flashy little password (foobar) at the front. Please don't actually use this for anything important without significantly hardening the server.


install docker, then:

$ git clone https://github.com/pkage/project5
$ cd project5
$ cd docker && ./build.sh && ./runlocally.sh
$ npm i
$ node server.js

command line options

$ node server.js --port 8080 --vm DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME

By default, it looks for a docker image to attach to called sandbox. Right now, if you want to change it to create a new docker instance per client, change line 26 in server.js.