- 0
- 4
DMG broken
#34 opened by qbatten - 1
Adding current task name to menu bar
#33 opened by stevenvandervalk - 1
Changes won't save to config file
#32 opened by coreyp - 1
- 5
Stop tracking time on sleep
#22 opened by karanvasudeva - 1
Problem Compiling
#29 opened by tamara-bain - 1
Support orgmode format
#8 opened by pkamenarsky - 1
Atea is undercharging
#28 opened by franciscolourenco - 7
- 7
Configurable Syntax
#11 opened by flowerornament - 5
"Edit task file" menu item?
#9 opened by pkamenarsky - 1
I created a TextMate bundle for Atea
#27 opened by jpettersson - 3
- 0
Icon state doesn't react on dropbox events
#26 opened by pkamenarsky - 29
- 9
Menu items not clickable
#18 opened by macarthy - 1
- 1
- 3
Suggestions for Menubar Icon
#14 opened by flowerornament - 3
An "edit tasks file" button
#24 opened by lrem - 3
Question & comments about task-times.csv
#20 opened by thekenshow - 6
Atea and nvALT
#15 opened by samuelcotterall - 1
- 1
Support todo txt format
#7 opened by macarthy - 3
System wide hotkey?
#10 opened by pkamenarsky - 0
- 2
Alternate methods to "check" task done
#16 opened by kuzeko - 2
Download Link broken in README
#12 opened by maebert - 1
#2 opened by brajeshwar