
A Cleanweb Hack to Hack

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Hack City - InSite

Providing actionable insight into building performance

Submit to http://sanfrancisco.cleanweb.co/ San Francisco Hackathon at Verge http://whizmo.herokuapp.com/

Building Energy Utilizing the JCI Panoptix API's - http://whatspossible.johnsoncontrols.com/community/panoptix


Doug Mackay - Energy SME

Paul Karadimas - Hello

Callie Bailey - Architect/Designer

Chris Faulkner - Developer

Yoann Assayag - Energy and software student

Fernando Siu - Analytics/Real Estate Investor


Quick Run Local

Install Meteor

curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh

Pull repo and run meteor, all packages should load automatically.

git pull https://github.com/pkar/Whizmo.git

Goto http://localhost:3000

Deployed on Heroku

If initial stack creation

heroku create --stack insite --buildpack https://github.com/jordansissel/heroku-buildpack-meteor.git
heroku addons:add mongohq:sandbox

If adding already created repo

heroku git:remote -a whizmo
git push heroku master