
A fun little project where I play with WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A fun little project where I play with WebRTC.

Here's a demo: http://pkarl.github.com/glasses-view/


Used Chrome Version 22.0.1183.0 canary

enable flag in about:flags Enable PeerConnection. Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS Enable PeerConnection APIs for WebRTC functionality. More info at webrtc.org.

viewed this through a local python server python -m SimpleHTTPServer


More info at http://www.webrtc.org/blog/

Referenced https://github.com/rwldrn/idiomatic.js/

Ran into issue like this dude:

...[14:33:56] i have a quick question: I'm trying to run a local file into a web page ( ie: ) and Chrome throws back the following error: Not allowed to load local resource: file:///O:/test.mp4. Is there a way to tackle this.

To fix, switch from directly referencing the file to accessing via a web server. I used python -m SimpleHTTPServer The same rules apply when accessing a stream object that the browser creates for you locally when using getUserMedia, so run a server in either case.

Found a glasses person on flickr (creative commons) http://www.flickr.com/photos/studiosushi/3942866754/

CSS Tweaks

flip the video with css using transform: scaleX(-1)

tweak the rotation slightly for effect with rotate(2deg)

using multiple transform properties in canary required the -webkit prefix. transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(2deg) didn't work.