
This is a super simple Django app that uses the embedly API to replicated Pinterest.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pinterest Jr.

This is a super simple Django app that uses the embedly API to replicate Pinterest (for learning purposes).

Pinterest Jr. Screenshot


If you're using pip you can pull in the reqs with a pip install -r requirements.txt

If not, here's what's in there:


I recommend you use the wonderful virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper tools for your development environment.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. get your virtualenv up
  3. cd app/app
  4. run `python manage.py syncdb'
  5. run python manage.py runserver
  6. Go to in your web browser


Go to in your browser

Admin user/pass is admin / admin

Static file handling

Static files are JavaScript, CSS, or image files that accompany each app. Every application module in the django project has its own /static directory which contains the static files for that module.

There is a global /static directory located at the project root (the contents of which are ignored by git) where all of these static files will be collected upon running the python manage.py collectstatic command, which refers to the STATIC_ROOT, STATIC_URL, STATICFILES_DIRS, and STATICFILES_FINDERS vars in your settings.py.


  • style form
  • error handling code
  • tests
  • pinboard creation & organization