
This is a little module I wrote to support some in-article scrolling effects for eng.localytics.com.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


This is a little module I wrote to support some in-article scrolling effects for http://eng.localytics.com.


  • IE9+ compat
  • There are no tests, because it's really just comparing numbers


bower install scroll-text-swap


// pass it a selector for headers, and a selector for text destination
scrollHeaders.init('h1, h2', '.nav-text');
// it also accepts a callback which will be called on the scroll event (throttled to 50ms), callback is passed the scroll position
scrollHeaders.init('.article-h1, h2, h3', '.article-navH', function(scrollPos) {
  if ($('.article-content').offset().top > scrollPos) {
  } else {