
Quick Query is a Wordpress plugin that helps you get the posts and data you need, quickly

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Quick Query (alpha)

Build Status

Quick Query is an interface for fetching data from WordPress that's intuitive and pleasant to use. It uses a jQuery-like syntax to chain together simple pieces of information and get you the right information in return.

Project Update 8-15-2014

Here are a few nuggets:

  • As it happens, keeping the SVN version of this up to date on wordpress.org is a PITA, so until this gets to a real alpha, I'm not going to waste my energy there
  • when that does happen, I'll make sure composer + wp.org both have access to QQ
  • all posts are retrieved by default. I think Wordpress's not-so-smart defaults are something developers should be explicit about, so warm up your ppp()
  • Tests are going very well, though I had a hell of a time with Wordpress + PHPUnit and that incomplete/horribly-documented factory class. I ended up creating objects for unit tests with a combination of factory stuff, built-in wordpress functions, and a smattering of wizardry
  • Tags, taxonomy, and the like are easily the most complicated part of this. I'm nearly done with a draft that accommodates most all kinds of tax_queries, but I need to test it in combination with other WP_Query params and work on the tax() chaining interface
  • The authors, parents & children code should come very quickly after that

How it works & Background

Quick Query began as a scrap of syntactic sugar for dealing with WP_Query. Over the course of a few projects, this sugary treat grew into necessity that simplified 80% of the time-consuming query code into a few pleasant lines.

Here's an comparison in a demanding scenario:

// The WP_Query way
$args = array(
	'post_type' => 'post',
	'tax_query' => array(
		'relation' => 'AND',
			'taxonomy' => 'movie_genre',
			'field' => 'slug',
			'terms' => array( 'action', 'comedy' )
			'taxonomy' => 'actor',
			'field' => 'id',
			'terms' => array( 103, 115, 206 ),
			'operator' => 'NOT IN'
$query = new WP_Query( $args );

// The Quick Query way
$posts = $q->type('post')->tags( ['movie_genre' => ['action','comedy'], 'actor' => [103, 115, 206]], 'AND' );

The plan

I'm working on creating an honest-to-goodness open source version of it from the ground up. At the time of this writing, Quick Query is just a class wrapper with all of our code commented out.

I'll be working on this (along with anyone who enjoys the idea of mitigating the emotional damage WP_Query causes) to incrementally re-add the functionality of QQuery along with tests and docs as we go.


  • Post Type
  • $qq->type('some-type')
  • Fetch Post by ID
  • $qq->get(42)
  • ACF sensory
  • Fetch Post in set of IDs
  • $qq->in([2, 5, 42])
  • Sort order
  • $qq->sort('date', 'DESC')
  • Exclude ID(s)
  • Return all posts
  • $qq->all()
  • Set posts per page
  • $qq->ppp(20)
  • Meta Fields options
  • $qq->meta('author')
  • Pagination & Offset
  • $qq->ppp(3)->page(2)
  • Filter by post status
  • $qq->status('published')
  • $qq->status(['published','draft'])
  • Terms, Taxonomies & Categories
  • $qq->term('cats')
  • $qq->tax('animals')
  • $qq->tax(['animals'=>['cats', 'dogs'], ['pizza'=>['deep', 'NYC']], 'OR')
  • $qq->category('fish')
  • Authors
  • $qq->author(1)
  • $qq->author('Pete Karl II')
  • Parents & Children
  • $qq->parent(22)
  • $qq->parent('some-slug')
  • $qq->children('some_post_type')

Needs Tests

  • ACF, see tests/test_qq_acf.php

Needs docs


Running Tests

I recommend using 10up's VVV to set up a wordpress environment.

From there, what I've done is cloned this repo, added it as a sync'd folder in VVV's Vagrant file, and then symlinked it to my wordpress repos.

To sync any additional folder, add config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/your/folder/", "/srv/vagrant/mirror/" to your Vagrantfile so you can edit code in your OS and run tests VM effortlessly

To run the tests, I vagrant ssh into the vbox, navigate to the plugin directory, and run phpunit (or, more frequently, phpunit --debug)