
Pop Up Archive project

Primary LanguageRubyGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Stories in Ready

Pop Up Archive

Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status Code Climate

Ruby Version 2.0.0
Rails Version 4.2.1
Production Deployment git@heroku.com:pop-up-archive.git - http://pop-up-archive.herokuapp.com

Recommended setup

This guide expects that you have git and homebrew installed, and have a ruby environment set up with 2.0.0-p247 (using RVM or rbenv). We also assume you are using Pow, and have the development site running at http://pop-up-archive.dev. This is not required, but some aspects of the guide may not be appropriate for different configurations.

On OS X:

brew install redis elasticsearch postgres
git clone git@github.com:popuparchive/pop-up-archive.git
curl get.pow.cx | sh
gem install powder bundler
cd pop-up-archive
bundle install
powder link
cp config/env_vars.example config/env_vars

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickwand-dev libxslt-dev postgresql libpq-dev nodejs npm
git clone git@github.com:popuparchive/pop-up-archive.git
gem install bundler
cd pop-up-archive
bundle install
cp config/env_vars.example config/env_vars

Environment variables

In order to mimic the way Heroku works, many application configuration settings are defined with environment variables. If you are using foreman/etc you may have a different way of accomplishing this. You can also use the included support for the config/env_vars file.

You should not check config/env_vars into source control

You will need to set the SECRET_TOKEN value for the app to start (the default value is too short). The other default value may not be required. If need to point the app to a database or database user different than what is in the included database.yml, you should do that with an environment variable. Once complete:

bundle exec rake db:create
rake db:setup

If you receive a Postgres connection error or role error, you may need to create a Postgres user:

createuser -s -r <USERNAME FROM database.yml>


powder open

The site should now be running. If you need to use sidekiq, or elasticsearch, you may need to start other services manually.

Loading a database dump

If you want to debug production issues on your development machine, grab a dump from heroku, or have someone with the necessary access rights do that for you, by running:

$ heroku pgbackups:capture
$ curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url`

Rebuilding elasticsearch index

After loading new data from a db dump or performing a similar operation, you will need to rebuild the elasticsearch index.

To do this run:

$ rake search:index

That will invoke the rake task in lib/tasks/search.rake.


All that should be required is running guard in the project root. You can also just run rake.

We have the project on Travis-CI. If you submit a pull request, I assume it should check on that. I don't know.

NOTE that the Elasticsearch tests require that port 9250 is available on localhost. If you are running tests on a Linux box, for example, you may need to alter iptables or other firewall service to open that port.

Copyright & License

The Pop Up Archive software is released under the Affero GNU General Public License.

Copyright (c) 2013 The Public Radio Exchange, www.prx.org

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Affero GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the Affero GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.