
PoweredTouchBar is a library which lets you easily and more powerfully use Touch Bar on macOS with SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


PoweredTouchBar is a library which lets you easily and more powerfully use Touch Bar on macOS with SwiftUI.


How to use it?

There is a simple example of how to use PoweredTouchBar library:


import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var text: String = ""
    var body: some View {
        TextEditor(text: $text)
            .poweredTouchBar {
                    identifier: "HelloWorld.text",
                    title: "Hello World!",
                    action: {
                        print("You've pressed the button with text")
                    identifier: "HelloWorld.image",
                    image: NSImage(systemSymbolName: "star.fill", accessibilityDescription: nil)!,
                    action: {
                        print("You've pressed the button with image")

How to create your own PoweredTouchBarItem?

PoweredTouchBarItem is a protocol which basically allows you to create items for Touch Bar. You can use it to wrap any NSTouchBarItem to do so you just need to make a method to get an identifier (getIdentifier) and to get item itself (touchBarItem). There is an example below which shows how you can create a simple wrapper for NSTouchBarItem to use them with PoweredTouchBar (It's already available by importing PoweredTouchBar):

import AppKit

public class PoweredNSTouchBarItem: PoweredTouchBarItem {
    var item: NSTouchBarItem
    public init(_ item: () -> NSTouchBarItem) {
        self.item = item()
    public func touchBarItem() -> NSTouchBarItem {
        return item
    public func getIdentifier() -> NSTouchBarItem.Identifier {
        return item.identifier

You can also check out how NSButtonTouchBarItem is wrapped in PoweredTouchBarButton to make it work in PoweredTouchBar.