
Some random engines and distributions for C++

Primary LanguageC++Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Some random engines and distributions for C++20 which play nice with <random> and Boost.Random.


A C++ implementation of the xoshiro/xoroshiro family of PRNGs. Very fast non-cryptographic PRNGs with small state.

xoshiro256pp rng(31337); // xoshiro256++
xoroshiro64ss rng2(42); // xoroshiro64**

I didn't include jump()/long_jump(), but they'd be trivial to add with the same kind of template specialization as is used for next().


A random distribution class for very basic dice expressions (XdY or XdY +/- Z only). Intended to be fast to parse (no regex) and super fast to roll.

xoshiro256pp rng(42);
dice_distribution<int, boost::random::uniform_smallint<int>> dist("3d6 + 1");
fmt::print("roll = {}\n", dist(rng));